Family History

The weekend was kind of a mixed bag. Saturday was great: N and I took E to a dim sum restaurant we had heard about and it was really good. I love dim sum! While we were there two grandmas sitting next to us who made a point of complimenting us on how well E was behaving and how cute he was. We assured them that it was entirely the luck of the draw (as it usually is with two year-olds; sometimes E can really be a monster at restaurants) but it still felt nice to have strangers go out of their way to compliment E. Then the grandmas asked us about dim sum and how ordering it worked and we explained it to them and then basked in a parents-of-a-perfect-child/cosmopolitan-foodie glow which lasted all of about one minute until E started yelping and I couldn’t bring myself to order the chicken feet even though I was kind of curious. But then that evening we went to visit some good friends and stayed until entirely too late talking and laughing and watching our sons play together.

Sunday was okay except that I woke up feeling under the weather AND we totally spaced the time change so we showed up for church an hour late. (I know, I know–we felt like morons.)

At chuch N and I are attending a Sunday School class on family history. My church is very big on family history because our doctrine teaches that family members can be sealed together for eternity though covenants we make with God inside temples. So the church is working on an online database system that helps people find their ancestors.

Participating in this Sunday School class has sparked an interest in family history in me. When I was at my parents’ house I took the opportunity to scan some old photos. Are these great?

My mom with my grandmother.

My grandmother (Halmoni) at her house in Korea.
My aunt and her husband on their wedding day.

I really enjoy looking at old pictures. My mom has all our family pictures in a cardboard box but I would love to get them all scanned and put together in a book.

Obligatory Photos of Pike Place Market

I know it’s a tourist trap, but I still have soft spot in my heart for Pike Place Market. When I was in high school we would sometimes take field trips there.

Photographically speaking I had a hard time finding anything unique to say about the market. But it was still fun snapping photos.

I think flowers are basically the only thing that’s worth buying at the market. They’re really inexpensive here.

I had a moment of deja vu standing in front of this fortune-telling machine…but then I realized I was just remembering the scene from Big.

If you walk down the ramp in front of the market and around the corner you will find this: a building covered in wads of used chewing gum!

In other news, I have woodworking class tonight. I missed two classes while I was out of town so I’m anxious to make some good progress tonight.

We’re Back!

We’re back: a little tired but happy (and behind on laundry). Poor E was so tired that he sacked out shortly after take-off and didn’t wake up until descent.

It was a wonderful trip and now I feel energized, happy to be home, and ready to tackle my goals re: spring cleaning and getting in better shape. And I have lots of pictures and things to write so I’m going back to daily posting.

It’s great to be back!

Some Photos of Baby D

The concert was AMAZING. I haven’t downloaded the photos off my camera but will post them once I’m back home. I’m hoping they turned out; if they didn’t it was entirely user error. It was a lot of fun shooting with the lens N gave me for Christmas.

While I’m waiting to post the concert pics, here are some other photos I took with my new lens. My friend Emily had an very cute baby boy in January and I snapped a few pictures of him before I went out of town. It wasn’t anything fancy; we just set him down on a towel on a couch facing a window but I liked how these turned out.

I hope you have a great weekend! We’re going to kick around Seattle some more and then head home. This trip has a blast but it will be nice to get back home and into the swing of things.

Holga from The Egyptian

I’m approaching official burnout regarding Sundance; I’m guessing you guys are might be getting tired of it too. The festival ended over the weekend and the awards were given out. I was pleased to see that Red Chapel won best foreign documentary.

Even with the burnout I have one more review that I have to write though, mostly because the movie was so lame I feel the need to warn people about it. But I’ll save that for later. Today I wanted to post a picture I took with my Holga camera when we were up in Ogden last Saturday for Sundance.

The shows we saw played at Peery’s Egyptian Theater, a lovely historic theater. While we waited for the shows to begin we sat and listened to the octogenarian organist play show tunes which was fun. I took this photo by using a long shutter speed and trying standing very still. I obviously wobbled a bit but I like how it turned out.

Color Therapy

It’s going to be a long, long day. This morning E was up at 2 am and then back up for good at 5 am. Ugh.

I took him to the doctor yesterday since his fever still hadn’t let up. The doctor said that E was a little dehydrated and has lost some weight but that he should bounce back later this week. Hopefully it’s sooner than later.

E was still feeling puny yesterday afternoon after his all-too-short nap but he perked up a bit when we broke out the crayons.

Looking at these photos now is cheering up my grouchy, sleep-deprived self.
Man, I love this guy.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope you’re having a lovely Christmas day with family or friends or doing something you enjoy. So far our Christmas has been very nice. The only issue we’ve had is that E still has a nasty cold he came down with earlier in the week so he is a lot more clingy than normal and we weren’t able to make it to Jan’s house last night as planned (we don’t want to get the new baby sick). But E is soldiering on and having a wonderful time despite not feeling 100%. (Funny how new toys will help with that.)

I’ve really enjoyed getting to know new people and sharing the doings of our little family with friends and family through this blog. Thank you for reading. I’m going to take a little break from posting but will be back after the New Year. In the meantime, enjoy the end of 2009!

A new nephew!

My sister Jan had her baby on Sunday! The delivery went smoothly and both Jan and baby are doing well. Little P weighed 6 lbs, 12 oz and was 18 inches long. He is breathtakingly perfect and adorable. (What’s that? You hear a strange sound? That’s just my ovaries squealing in envy–never mind them.)

I am going to spoil this kid rotten.