O Christmas Tree

Well, we didn’t make it to the mall yesterday; we didn’t make it anywhere. We ended up getting more than five inches of snow and so E and I stayed home all day.

We only just got around to putting up our Christmas tree on Saturday. But E’s been making up for lost time by enjoying it to pieces. Luckily, the only casualty so far was just a straw ornament. (Sadly, it apparently did not taste as good as it looked.)


We’ve had two snow storms in a row this week. Yesterday’s was quite impressive. This morning I took E out for his first experience in the snow.

He quickly went from rather amused…

…to apprehensive…

…to decidedly unhappy about the situation.

And it all happened within a quick two minutes, which was considerably less time than it took to wrangle him into his snowsuit.

The only reason he even has a snowsuit (which I discovered are shockingly expensive) is that I saw one for 60% off the day after Thanksgiving. Hopefully E will get over his lackluster feelings towards snow and we’ll actually get a bit of use out of it this winter. But I don’t really blame him; I’d rather be inside too.

For the Christmas card

I wanted to send out a photo Christmas card this year and so I took some pictures of E. They were taken before his haircut, as evidenced by the little tuff of baby hair sticking out from under his hat.

This photo is N’s favorite.

Aagh…I never should have cut his hair! *sniff*…the delicious baby cuteness!

Sometimes E will wave on cue, sometimes (usually) he won’t.

This is the photo I ended up using. I hope the cards turn out; I’m going to pick them up this afternoon.

The next Carrot Top?

So it turns out that E and Carrot Top have something in common. Can you guess what it is? It’s not bright red hair or suspicious muscle gain likely due to steroids…
…it’s a love of prop comedy!

Yesterday E was being a little fussy as I getting him ready for a nap and so I grabbed one of his pacifiers and popped it in my mouth and made some funny faces. This is guaranteed to crack him up; it has since he was tiny. Laughing, E pulled the binky out of my mouth (which he normally does) and then he pushed it back into my mouth (which he’s never done before). With a mischievous glint in his eye E repeated the process several times, giggling near-hysterically.

It was pretty funny.

A little TOO quiet

We are going over to some friends’ house tomorrow for Thanksgiving. We’re in charge of bringing the stuffing and pies and so this morning I was looking at different stuffing recipes online. Our computer is in our living room which is also where we keep E’s toys. We have a play yard set up that allows us to close off the main area of the living room to keep E contained and away from the fireplace and bookshelves.

So while I was on the computer E was playing by himself with his toys. But suddenly I noticed the absence of the electronic (he still loves playing with that table), jingly, or clacking noises he usually makes when playing. Things are just a little too quiet. So I stand up and peer over the couch.

And I see this:

The little stinker!

E gets a haircut

E has needed a haircut for at least a couple of months. But N and I both thought his hair was really cute and so we’ve been putting it off. I loved the way his shaggy baby hair fell over his ears and across his forehead–so cute! But then E’s bangs got too long and started getting into his eyes and bothering him. I was too chicken to cut it myself and so on Saturday we too him to one of those places that specializes in haircuts for kids.

Even though he was tired, E was a trooper. He sat in a little toy police car (which, when I strapped him in I noticed had a surprisingly low back to it …more on this later) and didn’t cry while the stylist wet down his hair and went at it with scissors. He did start to get a little fussy but then the stylist gave him a lollipop which kept him pretty distracted. The only time he got really freaked out was when he decided to fling himself backwards out of his seat. He almost fell but was saved by his seat belt. It took a little bit of work to calm him down after that but we did and the stylist finished up. It was pretty awesome to watch her work so quickly and so well with such a squirmy client.

I think the results turned out pretty well. I know it’s not a huge difference, but E suddenly looks older to me: more toddler than baby. *Sigh.* When did he get so big?

Belated Birthday Photos

Not actually photos from a belated birthday but belated pictures from a birthday. (You know, just in case you were wondering…ahem. Carry on.)

The hat, predictably, did not stay on for long.

E’s cousins were more obliging about the hat-wearing.

E in the traditional hanbok my aunt in Korea sent him.

And the requisite shot of the birthday boy eating (vegan) cake.

Happy Birthday, E!

E turns one year old today. I made a photo slideshow to celebrate the first year of his life. I was going to post his month 12 letter as well but it took me entirely too long to get the video together. So that will be another post.

Just FYI, there’s something wrong with the aspect ratio and so the photos look a little smooshed. I’m posting it as is because I’ve spent over an hour on it already and still don’t know how to fix it.

Music: “Everything will be alright” by Andy Partridge (of XTC)

Happy Halloween!

E seems to be feeling better. So far he hasn’t thrown up since yesterday morning (knock on wood) and seems to have some of his appetite back. The doctor said that E would stop being contagious 24 hours after his fever broke and it broke on Wednesday night, so if E’s still feeling better this afternoon I’m going to dress him in his costume and take him by N’s office and maybe my office if there’s time.

It’s hard for me to believe that it’s Halloween already! E was actually due last Halloween but he wasn’t born until a week later. It’s been a great year.

Down for the count

Over the weekend E came down with a bad bug. At first I thought it was just a cold, but he’s been running a 103 degree fever since Monday, has a cough, and struggles to keep anything in his stomach. I took him to the doctor who thought it might be strep since his throat is inflamed but they swabbed it and it was negative. So they said it was a nasty viral infection and the only thing we could do is wait it out.

To add to over overall awesomeness of the situation, E is also cutting his two front teeth! With the fever and the teeth and the sick stomach, E is miserable. He cries and whimpers and then cries some more. But then he’ll give you a smile and you can tell that he’s trying really hard.

Poor little guy.