Success! E and I arrived safely and in more or less one piece on Monday. I (of course) put off packing until the night before and so I was up until 1:30 am doing laundry and lethargicly shuffling stuff in and out of suitcases. And then I took a shower and lay in bed, wide-eyed and exhausted until I finally dropped off around 2:30. I’m normally pretty mellow but the combination of packing at the last minute with the anxiety I was feeling about travelling alone with E get me worked up. But everything went swimmingly.
E was a trooper on the plane; I didn’t even have to break out his little dvd player until we were over halfway there. The plane was completely full but people seemed to be passing by the seat next to us (not that I blame them) until a mom with a 4-week old (!) plopped herself down. Hypocrite that I am, I had a flash of “Oh great, why do I have to sit next to the crying baby” but then I instantaneously quashed that sentiment and tried to be helpful and nice.
Both the baby and E were great on the plane so there wasn’t really anything to worry about. E loved looking out the window as we took off and giggled like crazy as we went “in the sky.” He was surprisingly easy to entertain. He seemed like such a big kid compared to the newborn on my other side.
And now we are at my parents house out in the middle of the woods. My mom took E with her yesterday to run some errands and so I took a luxiourous 3-hour nap. When I woke up I even had that that heavy-headed feeling you get when you’ve slept too long. Ah, sleep headache–how I’ve missed you, old friend. It’s been too long.