Rolling, Rolling, Rolling…

E. rolled over yesterday! He was laying on his tummy, kicking his feet out behind him when his head started leaning to one side and slowly (ever so slowly) he rolled onto his side and then onto his back. I got out the video camera and tried to get him to do it again, but to no avail (of course!). I tried it with him again this morning, but he was tired and having none of it.

However, I haven’t given up hope and will continue trying to capture footage of the elusive rollover!

1 thought on “Rolling, Rolling, Rolling…”

  1. It’s so fun when they start to do tricks! I remember sitting next to Dylan with the video camera- just waiting to catch him on film when he rolled over! Somehow they seem to know when you want them to perform and they are really good about making sure you never catch it on tape.

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