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E’s first ride on a school bus (to Farm Country) |
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E back on the first day of kindergarten |
family, woodworking, photography, K-pop
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E’s first ride on a school bus (to Farm Country) |
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E back on the first day of kindergarten |
Thank you for your kindness! While I was in the middle of recovering it was difficult to talk about the miscarriage, but now that I’m feeling better it felt cathartic to acknowledge and discuss our loss. Your support was incredibly lovely. So thank you.
And now back to a mainstay of this blog: pics of the kids! After church today Mimi and I busted out the stamps and art supplies.
Afterwards I was pretty happy that I had splurged on “extremely washable” ink.
I am so grateful for our funny little bug.
I didn’t mean to let my absence here stretch to half a year, things just sort of got away from me. We’ve had our ups and downs this last while: N’s recovery from getting hit by a truck, E’s 6th birthday, a quick trip to CA for a cousin’s wedding, the holidays, Mimi’s 3rd birthday, and a very wanted pregnancy in January followed by a jarring miscarriage at 11 weeks in March.
I had spent the last few months feeling very pregnant–being fatigued, feeling a bit lightheaded, swelling up and starting to outgrow my clothes. I had been a little paranoid about losing the baby (what woman isn’t?) but had started to relax the closer we got to the magical 12-week mark and we had started to share the excitement with family and friends.
And then three days before my 12-week appointment I woke up bleeding and I instantly knew what it meant.
It was a Sunday morning and since my ob’s office was closed N and I headed to the ER. An ultrasound confirmed that the pregnancy was undeveloped and unviable.
In some ways it’s comforting to know that it was physically impossible for the pregnancy to result in a baby–that it wasn’t a normally developing fetus that just died suddenly without explanation. If that had been the case I would struggled with second-guessing myself and wondering if there was anything I could have done to prevent it. So it’s a blessing to know that it was just one of those things.
I’m relieved to finally be feeling back to normal, physically and emotionally. After the miscarriage my hormones were all over the place and for two months I struggled daily with feeling betrayed by my own body. It was miserable because despite its flaws the two of us are usually on pretty good terms.
But, I’m feeling better now and relieved to be doing so. When I look back over things there is still an ache of disappointment but its jagged edges have been rounded and smoothed by the love I felt from family, friends, and the Lord.
I’m starting to see the humor in a few moments that at the time struck me to the core: when the maternity swimsuit I had ordered for an upcoming trip arrived the day after I miscarried and when my ob at my follow-up appointment remarked after he had a brief sneezing fit, “Wow, I must be allergic to miscarriages!” (Well, with that last one it’s still 80% astonishment 20% amusement.)
I’m glad to be back posting here. I might post about some of the things I missed (photos of the kids’ birthdays, details of a surreal trip we got to take to Mexico with N’s work, etc…) but for the most part things will be back to normal around here.
And that feels so good.
Yes, I’m still here! The months since N’s accident have been a little harder on us than I thought they would and the time has gone by in a bit of a blur. But I’ve been taking photos and hope to post them soon to get caught up.
The kids had a great Halloween. I helped out at E’s Kindergarten party by running a photo booth and took pics of all the cute kids in their costumes.
So…three weeks ago N was out jogging in the evening and as he was crossing the street at a crosswalk a teenager driving a pickup truck ran through a stop sign and hit him. The driver had slowed down so N thought it was okay to cross but at the last moment the kid saw a car approaching on the cross street and he wanted to cut out in front of the approaching car so he gunned it and hit N, tossing him out into the street.
Thankfully, he stopped and called 911. The police called me and I rushed over (it was just a few blocks from our house) and got there as they were loading N into an ambulance. N was conscious but as the police put it, “in an altered state” which meant that he kept repeating himself over and over. He kept reassuring me, “I’m okay, I’m okay!” but the blood on him and the way his foot was sticking out at an odd angle FREAKED ME OUT.
I drove home and arranged for a neighbor to stay with the kids and my in-laws came and drove me to the hospital. We sat with N in the emergency room as they stitched up his face and he kept repeating himself some more (due to a concussion) but this time he kept on making the same bad jokes over and over every two minutes or so.
N would dramatically stare off into the distance and exclaimed, “I don’t think I can go on anymore…Grandpa? Is that you?…What? You want me to come into the light?…Grandpa?” It was both horribly both more and less funny because he was all bloody and in a neck brace and wired up to an IV and his parents and I had been so worried. The nurses were pretty amused.
The orthopedic surgeon on call came in and discussed the surgery N needed with us. His tibia and fibula had both been broken with the tibia sticking out of the skin (gah). N had surgery and they inserted a rod that basically runs the length of his shin and two screws to hold it all together.
We stayed in the hospital for two days while N recovered from surgery. The nurses were wonderful and I was impressed with the yummy cafeteria food (seriously!). After N showed them that he could get around safely on crutches he was discharged him.
Our family and friends were amazing during all of this. N’s mom came and stayed with our kids and our neighbors also had them over to play. Another one of our neighbors anonymously mowed our lawn. While we were in the hospital N’s boss and coworkers came to visit and sent a yummy fruit basket and a ginormous cookie basket. Out-of-state friends sent some delicious chocolate-covered strawberries. Local friends brought over dinner and came by to visit. And N’s out-of-state siblings sent a fun book, pizza, and groceries.
We felt so loved!
It was wonderful that we had so much support because the first few weeks were pretty rough. N had to get twice-daily shots on his abdomen to ward off deep-vein thrombosis (and I had to give them to him) so it was unpleasant for both of us. N’s non-broken leg had been scraped along the road and got infected and required two rounds of antibiotics to treat. At its worst it was pretty gross (here’s a pic if you don’t mind that sort of thing) and really worried us. I would freak out every time I changed his bandages and then I would go stress-eat and stuff my face with cookies and chocolate-covered strawberries.
But things are finally settling down. N went back to work full time last week and while he tires very quickly his body is healing nicely. The foot that was infected foot is doing much better and tomorrow we have a follow-up with his surgeon to see how his broken leg is doing and how long he’s going to be on crutches.
Throughout this whole thing N and I have both been conscious of how blessed we were/are. It could have been much, much worse. N’s hospital room overlooked the helipad and we could see the helicopters landing at all hours bringing in people who were in much worse shape. Compared to most of the other patients in the trauma ward N was in awesome condition.
I am so grateful that N wasn’t hurt more seriously, that the driver of the car stopped and called 911 (and that he has insurance!), and that that we have so many people in our life who care for and support us. I can see the hand of the Lord in our lives and for that I am grateful.
E: What’s that?
N: It’s my wedding ring.
E: Where did you get it?
N: Someone who loves me very much gave it to me.
E: Was it me?!
N: No, it was Mom.
E: What?!!…I didn’t know you had a crush on each other!!!
E then declared that he would marry Mimi because he loves her so much. N gently pointed out that (European royalty aside) to start your own new family you should marry someone from a different family. E gave it some more thought and said he would give a wedding ring to either Amelia (girl from church), Inza (Linnie‘s daughter), or Ryanne (one of our babysitters).
So I haven’t made much progress on cleaning out my it-could-be-featured-on-Hoarders basement this summer but I did just finish sewing another baby quilt. Because you know, PRIORITIES.
This is “The Color Block Quilt” from Allison Harris’ book Growing Up Modern: 16 Quilt Projects for Babies & Kids. Allison runs the blog Cluck Cluck Sew which I really enjoy so I knew her book would be good (and it is!)
I made this quilt for my good friend Kristin; her and her husband recently finalized their adoption of a sweet baby boy named Fredrick. We attended a sealing ceremony for their family in one of our temples on Saturday and it was beautiful.
To add a few personal touches I hand-embroidered Freddy’s monogram on the front of the quilt and sewed one of my custom labels on the back.
I think I say this every time I finish a quilt but this is one of my favorites so far. I’m a sucker for rainbow color schemes and I like how the squares are offset. Also, several of the fabrics I used came from my stash which was very satisfying in a way–it made me feel thrifty and like a legit quilter 🙂
I’m starting to fee a bit wistful because it seems like our summer is almost over.
I’m definitely not going to me the 100 degree heat; sweater weather cannot come fast enough for me! But I still have a list of list of things I want to do this summer and I’m beginning to realize I probably won’t get to all of them. Maybe one big push of effort before school starts (and my daytime babysitter options narrow) is called for.
How about you? Do you have any projects you’re trying to get finished before summer ends?
2NE1’s new single
You’ve probably seen this but just in case you haven’t
Incredible skills + the han
I think I enjoyed watching this number much more than the bride did. Poor girl looks stunned.
I hope you have a great weekend! We’re trying to muster the courage to take both kids to a movie tomorrow. It will be Mimi’s first time going to a theater. She’ll do fine…right? Gulp.
Last week we had two sets of cousins in town visiting: N’s brother Ken and his sister Gwyn and their families. It was a lot of fun and E and Mimi loved playing with their cousins whom they don’t get to see very often.
After all the excitement of last week (cousins! fireworks! outings! BBQs!) this week might seem a bit dull but we will all endeavor to soldier on bravely, popsicles in hand.