Dear E,
Last week you turned two years old. In the past few weeks you’ve started talking a lot more. One of your favorite things to say is “thank you.” Manners are pretty important to me (growing up with a father from the south and a mother from Korea will do that to you) and so I’ve been reminding you to say thank-you when you’re given something for several months now.

But last week the light finally clicked on. You started saying “thank-you” after everything: when I hand you a drink, when I help you with your jacket or shoes, when the sample lady at Costco gives you some chips, etc… Last night you were eating dinner and got some ketchup on your fork. I took from you and wiped it clean and handed it back and you said, “Thank you, Mama.” It melted my heart. And last week when I took you to the hospital to get some blood drawn for your food allergy tests you charmed the techs by busting out several unprompted thank-yous when they handed you a lollipop.
It’s a good thing you’ve started being so adorably polite because it (usually) balances out the bad habits you’ve picked up lately. When you get excited or frustrated you like to slap us in the face or pull our classes off and wrench them around. Needless to say, both actions are pretty frustrating. You also throw things on the ground when you’re mad which is also pretty annoying. But we’re working on it together: you’re working on controlling your actions and I’m working on improving my patience. But most of the time you try really hard to be good and I appreciate it.
You’ve picked up on the rhythms of a working week. I usually go run errands on Saturday mornings and if you and your dad don’t come along you flip out. You’re very adamant that on Saturday we all somewhere together. You love going to Costco and after we returned home from it last Saturday it was all you wanted to talk about,” blah, blah, blah, COS-co, COS-co!”
It’s very sweet how much you like going places together with us. I like it when we’re together as a family too.