First Blood

E and I drove to the airport yesterday and picked up Gwyn and her baby. E was pretty tired by the time we got home and was being kind of fussy. As soon as I took him out of his car seat he ran out of the garage and towards the street. I grabbed him by the hand and was walking him back to the house when he tripped and fell and smacked his mouth against the concrete. And then he started to bleed a lot.

It was really sad. I kept trying to look inside his mouth to see where the blood was coming from and he kept trying to swat my hands away. I was worried that one of his teeth had been knocked out. The blood was pooling in his mouth and running out the sides and he was rubbing it all over his face. He looked pretty gory. I held him against my shoulder as he sobbed and he got tears and blood all over my shirt.

He was inconsolable until he spotted the jar of jelly beans on the counter. As soon as I gave him one he started to calm down. Three jelly beans later, things were solidly on the way to being right with the world.

It turned out that he had cut the little flap of skin that attaches the inside of his lip to his gums. It bled a lot but seems to be okay now. Poor little guy.

On the bright side, E really likes having his little cousin S around. E keeps gently patting S on the head. It’s cute. I’ll try and get some pictures of the two of them together this weekend.

Easter Festivities

Miranda and I thought that E and L would get run over by the bigger kids at the community egg hunts so we tossed some empty eggs out in her backyard and let them have at it. L got the hang of picking up the eggs and putting them in his basket right away; E–not so much. He was more interested in clutching an egg and wandering around complaining about the general situation.

E investigating.

E complaining.

E fretting.

L, E’s cousin.

L hoarding his booty.

L’s new little sister, A, still deliciously smooshy at two weeks.

Big brother L being impressively gentle with A.

Going to a show

Well, Miranda had her baby yesterday! Both Miranda and little baby girl A seemed well (if understandably a bit tired) when N, E, and I visited them last night. Cute stuff.

Tonight N and I are going with some friends to see Bishop Allen perform. They seem to tour Salt Lake City/Provo more often than other bands. I think tonight is going to be the fourth time we’ve seen them in concert. They always put on a great show. You can listen to some of their songs on their website.

A visit from family

Last week my mom and my brother Steven were in town visiting my sister Jan. Jan only lives about 30 minutes away and so E and I were able to get together with them several times while there were here. My mom and Jan even watched E for me one day so I could slog through a backlog from work; it was great.

Steven on the trampoline.

Steven and my nephews, A and J.

E with my sister Jan.

E with my mom.

It was a lot of fun to have them in town. Their company (and eagerness to babysit) will be missed.

Belated Birthday Photos

Not actually photos from a belated birthday but belated pictures from a birthday. (You know, just in case you were wondering…ahem. Carry on.)

The hat, predictably, did not stay on for long.

E’s cousins were more obliging about the hat-wearing.

E in the traditional hanbok my aunt in Korea sent him.

And the requisite shot of the birthday boy eating (vegan) cake.

Family Snaps

It was really great to be able to spend time with family when E. and I were in Washington. Before we went on the trip E. was displaying some signs of stranger anxiety and so I was a little concerned that he would be fussy for people. But E. was very charming and liked hanging out with everyone.

E. with his cousin D. This is one of my favorite photos.

E. with Mindy and Ken (N’s brother) and their daughter C. at the Fremont troll. I think it’s funny how much E. looks like Mindy in this shot.

C. sitting on the troll’s hand.

E. with my mom. He loved spending time with her. The feeling was definitely mutual.

My dad and E. with his cousins J. and A.

My brother Steven in front of the state capital.