Good manners are pretty important to me (probably because I grew up with a Korean mom and a dad from the south) and I’ve been trying to instill them in E. He has saying “thank you” and “please” down pretty well so now I’m trying to teach him how to introduce himself.
This morning it kind of seemed to click. During breakfast he looked me in the eye and announced, “Hi! I’m eeeott!” I praised him effusively and he beamed.
But my parental pride promptly dissolved into giggles when he continued on: “Hi, I’m Mama!…Hi, I’m cereal!…Hi, I’m milk!…Hi, I’m bowl!…Hi, I’m chair!…”
Aw. So cute. Hi, I'm smitten by his cute antics. I know what you mean about the whole polite thing… I'm so big on it and am dismayed that it doesn't seem to be such a big thing down here in S. Fl… well, it's no longer a big thing even in Korea. Sigh.