Fall Holgas

It has suddenly turned chilly here–bleh! While I love autumn I hate the long snowy Utah winters. And even though I’ve been trying to take it easy and I drank almost a gallon of orange juice yesterday I still feel like crap this morning. So I thought I’d post these pictures I took with my Holga back with the fall was bright and lovely to cheer myself up.

Woodworking class is tonight. I’m already running through my mental checklist: camera AND memory card–check!, the plans for E’s wood bulldozer–check!, extra glue for cutting boards–check!, a determined but patient attitude–check! (?)

Wish me luck. Project pictures tomorrow or Friday.

Apparently Whole Foods doesn’t have a mop

I took E to Whole Foods this morning to get some specialty baking ingredients so I can bake him some milk-free, egg-free goodies. He had a cold over the weekend but seemed pretty much better today. But while he was sitting in the cart he started coughing really hard and then threw up his breakfast all over his clothes, his shoes, the floor, my shoes, and (by an impressive feat of agility) my hair. It was gross.

I was pretty stunned but then quickly started stripping E out of his wet clothes. The lady who worked in the section we were in (an older, grandmotherly type) was nice and brought a bunch of clean rags and stuff so I could clean E up. But then after I got E cleaned up the lady brought me more rags and plastic bags and a pair of plastic gloves. She was friendly about it but I distinctly caught the drift that she expected me to clean up the puke myself. I think the situation was that if I didn’t do it then she would have to do it herself.

And because I’m not good with confrontation I wrangled a shirtless pathetic-looking E with one hand while sopping up the puke with the rags. I kept expecting her to tell me not to worry about it, that she would go get a mop or something but she just watched me clean it up. Customers kept almost walking into the puddle and I had to stop them myself. I was so embarrassed! I just wanted to get out of there and get E home. I know no one likes to clean up a mess and it was my child who had made the mess, but it would have been really helpful if she had went and got a mop so I could focus on taking care of E.

When we got to the car I put his spare jacket on him and he seemed to be feeling better. But then he threw up again all over himself and his carseat. I didn’t have any more extra clothes so I just mopped it up the best I could and then kept driving. Once we got on the freeway he felt asleep, wet with puke and clutching a toy in his hand. Sad stuff.

He’s doing better now and napping, but I’m still a little peeved over the whole thing. We have a health food store fairly close to my house but I had wanted to go to Whole Foods to browse because it’s a lot bigger. But I don’t see myself making that drive again anytime soon. Bleh.

***Update 9/16/09***
I emailed the store and got a nice response from the manager. Details here.

Monday, Take Two

Mondays–Bleh! (Am I right, Garfield, or AM I RIGHT?)

E woke up with a leaky diaper sometime after 6 am this morning. I was hoping to put him back down but after I changed him out of his wet clothes he was wide awake and raring to go. So I took him downstairs and turned the tv to Sprout and crashed on the couch for while.

E’s still not drinking soy milk but I’m making a concerted effort this week to get him back on it. Part of my plan is to take away apple juice so he’s only drinking water and then consistently offer him soy milk. There’s no way he’d choose milk over juice but he might prefer milk to just drinking water, or so my thinking goes.

So this morning was the first major tantrum about not getting any juice. I tried to show E that there wasn’t any juice in the fridge and I let him examine the empty jug but he was still really, really mad. He was so mad that he didn’t want to eat his breakfast of a vegan (no milk, no eggs) waffle and syrup which he normally loves and the only thing to do was cry and shriek and storm around the kitchen. He cheered up for a bit when he came up with the idea of drinking syrup straight from the bottle but it was only a split second before I quashed that idea and we were back to tears.

After breakfast the only thing E wanted to do was watch Pororo videos on the computer, over and over again. (This one about colors is a current favorite.) In fact, he’s squirming around on my lap as I attempt to type this now. He’s not content to just sit on my lap; he wants to jump up and down on it. Jumping up and down on the floor is apparently worse than death and only my lap has the right squishy surface for jumping at the moment.

Speaking of squishy, I was planning on going to the gym this morning but now I feel sucked dry of all get-up-and-go and any ambition I had to Get Things Done today. Sorry this post is so whiny; our weekend was actually quite lovely and E was charming and funny and cute much more often than he was a pill. It’s just that today started out lamely. So I’m going to put E down for a nap and take one myself and hopefully when we get back up Monday, Take Two will go better.

E slept from 11:30am to 2pm and consequently so did I. It was awesome! The rest of the day was great and now I’m filled with optimism that the juice debacle will go better tomorrow.

Dine-and-Dash Update

The perpetrator moments before the crime.

Sadly, the dine-and-dash incident from last week did not have a satisfying conclusion. I showed up at the office armed with baked treats and cash to give the person who picked up my bill. But the friend I talked to said that it would be hard to pay back because everyone just passed cash to one person to settle the bill and when the person announced that they were a bit short everyone contributed a little more to make up the difference. There were over 20 people there and so everyone ended up chipping in 40 cents or so to cover my bill. My friend said that no one had realized what was going on and that it wasn’t a big deal.

Going cube-to-cube and explaining the whole thing and then giving everyone 40 cents wasn’t really a feasible option; I didn’t have enough change, I didn’t have time before my meeting, and it would have been extremely awkward for everyone. But I still felt sick with embarrassment over the whole thing. So instead I handed out cookies to everyone I saw that had been there and vowed to chip in extra the next time. *Sigh* The whole thing was pretty lame.

Two embarrassing and unfortunate incidents

I gave E a bath yesterday morning. He’s still crazy about baths and usually cries when it’s time to get out. It’s hard to dry him off and get him dressed if we’re still in the bathroom because he wiggles out of my hands and tries to climb back into the sink (yep, he still fits in our huge laundry sink). So yesterday I wrapped my shrieking child in a towel and went into the family room. I set him down and picked up a diaper. He abruptly stopped crying and a split second later the silence was broken by the sound of a stream of fluid hitting something. It turned out to be my couch.

At first I thought he did it because he was mad about the bath ending but now I think it was actually just a reflex from the change in temperature between the rooms. Spiteful toddler mastermind or innocent victim of biology? I guess we’ll never know.

The other incident yesterday was entirely my fault. I took E to a farewell lunch my office was having for a coworker a local Chinese restaurant. It was during E’s normal nap time but he held himself together admirably. When it was time to leave I headed to the front counter to pay for our lunches but on the way there some people at the table pulled us aside to say hi and dote on E. My former boss wanted to chat about something so she said she would walk us to our car. We started chatting and walked outside and I got in my car and drove away–without paying for lunch.

Yep, I pulled a dine-and-dash.

I didn’t realize anything until I was emptying my pockets before bed last night and found the cash I was going to use for lunch. I am SO embarrassed. There were about twenty people in our party and so I think that someone probably ended up picking up our tab. I’m going into the office later today for a meeting and I’m going to ask around and see if who picked it up. On the way in I’m going to stop by a bakery and buy a cupcake to give them along with the cash I owe. They probably thought I was super rude for blithely leaving with picking up the tab for myself AND E. I’m so embarrassed.

Anyway, I hope you have a nice weekend. And if you go out to eat remember to pay your bill!

I’m baaack!

E and I arrived home yesterday and we were both super happy to see N after being separated for about a week. I guess that after our horrid flight to Seattle where we sat on the tarmac for an hour (half an hour at both ends!) I was due for a dose of good flight karma because yesterday E fell asleep on my lap as soon as we took off and he didn’t wake up until the landing gear hit the ground. It was amazing because E never sleeps when someone’s holding him.

The only unpleasant part of the flight were the grumpy old people sitting behind me that started loudly complaining about having to sit behind a baby as soon E and I sat down. Things like, “Oh great, we have to sit by a screaming baby” (E was not screaming) and “this is going to be miserable” were said repeatedly AND loudly. Did they not think that I would be doing everything in my power to keep E quiet? I didn’t want to bother anyone. I was stressed out as it was. Sitting in front of them was already making me ten times more nervous than I would be otherwise because they were chomping at the bit to be critical. And the flight hadn’t even started yet!

My sister Jan was actually on the same flight but we had been unable to get seats together. But I was able to switch seats with someone and sit next to her. I normally never do this sort of thing, but as I was changing seats I looked the old people in the eye and said, “Don’t worry, we’re moving so we won’t be inconveniencing you.” They looked a little stunned for a second (maybe they didn’t realize how loudly they had been speaking?) but then they started congratulating themselves on their good fortune–while I was still standing right there. Argh!

Okay, now that I’ve vented about the mean old people I’m ready to move on. *Exhale* All and all, it was a wonderful trip. Besides spending time with family my favorite part of the trip was the food–the food was GLORIOUS.

Photos and details tomorrow!

What we woke up to:

Um, yeah…those things I said yesterday about spring in Utah being lovely and magical? I totally take them back. Three inches of snow? In mid-April? –Crazy!

I haven’t written about it lately, but I’ve been really stressed out the past few weeks. Work has been exceptionally demanding, we’re refinancing our house, and doing our taxes was kind of complicated since I’m technically self-employed. N’s been supportive but after two weeks of me being grumpy and irritable I could tell he was getting tired of it.

Now that work and taxes are taken care of, I’m planning on taking the day off (except for, you know, feeding E and keeping him alive and stuff). E and I are going to go to the gym and then maybe go shopping for some somewhat needed housewares this afternoon. Or maybe when E takes his nap I’ll just crawl into bed and read and take my own nap. I need to recharge.

Weekend Numbers

10 loads of laundry washed.
9 loads of laundry folded and put away.
8 hours of my church’s general conference watched on tv.
7 sacks of old clothes sorted, bagged, and donated.
6 times a crochet project was unraveled and begun again.
5 times E got into the kitchen trash (once smearing garlic butter all over his shirt and the floor).
4 marshmallow peeps eaten.
3 days of enjoying N’s company all day (he took Friday off of work).
2 big molars trying to break the surface in E’s mouth.
1 cranky toddler who frequently shrieked or cried at the drop of a hat.

Whew! The weekend was pretty productive but it was a little hard to deal with E sometimes. He would cry or let loose a super high-pitched shriek when things weren’t going exactly the way he wanted them to (like when we told him to stay out of the trash can or no, you aren’t going to watch your Korean vegetable video again).

I feel bad for him, though. I felt inside his mouth and he has two big angry bumps where two lower molars are trying to poke through. It’s weird because E only has his two front bottom teeth. I though he would get his cuspids and bicuspids before his molars. And his top molars don’t show any signs of coming in right now (for which I guess I should be grateful). But having only a patchwork set of teeth must make chewing pretty difficult.

Today was going to be pretty crazy even if E was in a good mood: we’re refinancing our house to get a better interest rate and the appraiser is coming by this morning, I have several hours worth of work to do, and I have a conference call this afternoon (hopefully E will be taking a nap at that time because if I’m sitting at the computer and not showing him that Pororo video he starts shrieking). Oh yeah, and I need to finish my taxes. Bleh.

Happy Monday, everyone.

Shrieky McShriekington

The last few days have been rough.

E is teething really hard and has been really irritable for the last four days or so. At least I’m assuming he’s teething. In addition to being ornery and shrieking or crying at the drop of a hat (or at me daring to tell him no, he cannot play with that glass bowl/permanent marker/expensive stereo/sharp knife) he has been trying to chew on everything in sight. A few times he’s actually stuffed his fingers in his mouth and gnawed on them, something he’s never done before.

I’m just not use to it and it’s wearing me out. Sometimes he’ll be fine for 20, 30 minutes and I’ll be lulled into thinking he’s feeling better but then something will set him off and he’ll rocket from placid to wailing in a second. I’m hoping that it’s just his teeth bothering him and it’s not that after 14 months of being easygoing he’s simply decided it would be more fun to be a jerk.

I am really looking forward to N being home for the weekend so we can tag team the little howler.

Snowed in, figuratively speaking

So this guy seems to be feeling much better.

He was teething pretty hard last week but over the weekend one of the two teeth that are coming in popped through. E is mercifully back to sleeping through the night after two weeks of waking up at least twice a night.

But now the question is, how the heck is it already Christmas next week? I don’t know what I did with the first half of December. I think the shower repair really set me back because I had to hang around the house for a whole week while they were working. Thankfully it’s over now. (Except that one of the showers now has really poor water pressure which I need to call the plumber about.)

Anyway, this week is going to be crazy: my monthly report for work is due today and I have several hours of work to do for it, I have to go shopping for N’s office sub-for-Santa, I have four Christmas parties/events to go to (one of which I simply can’t make), we need to make candy to give as neighbor gifts, I need to make 30 ornaments for the girls in Young Women’s (the girls’ auxiliary at church), I need to put together and deliver some gifts to the office, and lastly I need to finish shopping for gifts for family members and mail them off. Oh yeah, and I thought it would be fun/funny to take E to have his picture taken with Santa at the mall.

*Sigh.* It seems like only yesterday that I was congratulating myself for being ahead of the curve this year. Where does the time go? Oh well. I guess I just need to plow through at this so I can relax next week and actually enjoy the Christmas.