When Blogs Collide: *sniff, sniff* Edition

My friend Elaine from clothed much is moving away today. *sniff* Elaine was the first local friend I met through blogging. I’m going to miss hanging out and hitting up dicey warehouse stores/chowing down on Korean food with her.

On Monday night I got together with crafty girls Melissa from IS•LY and Susan from Freshly Picked to give Elaine a nice send off.

(Photo courtesy of Melissa)

Best of luck in CA, Elaine. You will be sorely missed!

(And now I’m off to the gym. Ahem.)

When Blogs Collide: Group Edition

So my friend Elaine (who I met via our blogs) and her friend Meg organized a local blogger meet-up for Saturday. When Elaine invited me I said I would go even though I’m kind of shy and had the vague feeling I wouldn’t fit in (the crowd was mostly stylish college-age fashion bloggers or talented sewing bloggers). But I like hanging out with Elaine and meeting people with similar interests so I steadied my nerves and went (but dragged a patient N along for support).

(Thanks to Meg for the photo.)

There were about 20 people there so we didn’t get a chance to get to know everyone. We sat at a table with Elaine, Meg, and Heather (and their husbands) and sisters Megan, Adrien, and Shannon. I also got the chance to say hi to Susan whom I’ve been wanting to meet. Her and her husband are finishing up upholstering a 9-foot long couch (!) and so we chatted about that and woodworking.

I think it went pretty well. And afterward N and I went and saw The Ghost Writer which I mostly liked (I had some issues with certain plot points.) N reviewed the movie it here.

If you’re interested, here’s a list of attendees’ blogs: allthisknavery.wordpress.com, cindeelou.blogspot.com, clothedmuch.blogspot.com, feathersflights.blogspot.com, freshbrownies.blogspot.com, freshlypicked.blogspot.com, gangsterpixie.blogspot.com, thedicksonseverafter.blogspot.com, thesecondhandlife.com, oncewomacks.blogspot.com, and uberchicforcheap.blogspot.com.

Some Photos of Baby D

The concert was AMAZING. I haven’t downloaded the photos off my camera but will post them once I’m back home. I’m hoping they turned out; if they didn’t it was entirely user error. It was a lot of fun shooting with the lens N gave me for Christmas.

While I’m waiting to post the concert pics, here are some other photos I took with my new lens. My friend Emily had an very cute baby boy in January and I snapped a few pictures of him before I went out of town. It wasn’t anything fancy; we just set him down on a towel on a couch facing a window but I liked how these turned out.

I hope you have a great weekend! We’re going to kick around Seattle some more and then head home. This trip has a blast but it will be nice to get back home and into the swing of things.

Weekend Highs and Lows

This weekend was somewhat of a mixed bag. I had planned to get together with my friend Erica on Saturday and check out the Overstock.com store and grab some lunch but when I went to get E out of his crib I discovered that he thrown up and wasn’t feeling well. I gave E a bath and he seemed to be feeling better but then he spit up some apple juice he drank. I considered canceling my outing but N assured me that he could handle it so I ended up going.

It was a lot of fun to hang out with Erica and catch up. We were college roommates but don’t get the chance to see each that often. I’m always a little nervous to drag people all the way up to the Overstock store but it was a lot of fun to chat in the car and Erica scored a nice down comforter and a board game.

I found some cute bronze leather Nine West flats and this London Fog trench in red. I’ve always wanted a trench and it was a good deal ($27). My other big find was a copy of Famouz, this book of photographs by Anton Corbijn, a photographer noted for his portraits of musicians. It’s a gorgeous book and printed on really lovely paper. It didn’t have a price tag on it; and I really didn’t need it so I told myself I would only buy it if they asked $10 or less for it. Happily the workers asked only $10 so it came home with me too. Not too shabby considering that the list price is $70.

On the way home I called to check on E who, as it turns out, had thrown up three more times–poor N and poor E! But N was a sweetie and gallantly insisted that Erica and I stop for lunch as planned. When I got home I found E cuddled up with N watching kids’ shows. For the rest of the day E spent most of his time draping himself over us or the couch and whimpering. He woke up at 3:30am on Sunday morning and threw up again so we stayed home from church. E was so wiped out that he lay down on the floor of the family room and fell asleep there. It was pretty pitiful but cute.

I think E’s stomach is feeling better: he ate some animal crackers and drank some juice this morning which so far have not made a second appearance (knock on wood). But he’s still feeling pretty puny so it looks like we’re going to have another stay-at-home day.

We’ll Miss You

Tomorrow my good friend Kristin and her family move out of our neighborhood. We met her and her husband soon after we moved in and it was one of those family friendships where the stars aligned: her and I have a lot in common and get along swimmingly, our lawyer husbands get along great, and E and their son P are close in age and love playing together.

I’m really going to miss having them just down the street, but they’re not moving too far away so I’m sure we’ll still see each other often. Yesterday morning I watched P while Kristin attended to last-minute packing. E and P had a blast running around wrecking havoc (as they usually do when together).

We’re really going to miss you guys.