Burgers al fresco

One night when we were visiting Oregon we headed into historic scenic little Jacksonville for some tasty burgers. While we were waiting to order at Jasper(‘)s Cafe E threw a massive tantrum complete with some face-smacking but once we went outside to eat he calmed down. The burgers were great and it was nice to be able to eat and let the kids run around together outside.

My Jasperado burger: chorizo, green chili salsa, and pepperjack cheese with extra avocado.

Luckily Jasper’s doesn’t fry with peanut oil so E could enjoyed the french fries.

As you can see, the cousins enjoyed hamming it up together.

Oh carefree meals of vacation, I miss you already.

Home Sweet Home

Last week N and I decided on the spur of the moment to take E and drive up to southwest Oregon to visit N’s sister Gwyn and her family over the weekend. The drive was about 13 1/2 hours each way but E was for the most part a trooper in the car.

On the drive up we stopped by the salt flats, one of my favorite places ever. I know it’s a bit weird but I think they’re so cool looking and have been wanting to stop and walk out on them forever. It was fun, especially when E tried to taste the salt.

Visiting Gwyn and her family was great. E had a blast running around with his cousins and was (mostly) well behaved. (The most notable exception to this statement occurred when E threw a huge screaming tantrum while we were placing our order at a fancy burger joint. And just to make sure he was making his point clear he threw in a couple of smacks aimed at N’s face. Yeah, the dirty looks from the other patrons were plentiful and pointed.)

It was a great visit but it’s nice to be back. I wish we had an extra day to just kick around but we have to jump right back into things. I have a lot of work (and laundry!) to catch up on now but I’ll get more photos from our trip up soon.

On Family

My mom really cherishes the memories she has of us kids when we were little. She’ll tell us stories of cute things we did (sometimes rather repeatedly 🙂 ). Because I’ve heard these stories so many times sometimes I kind of have flashes of déjà vu when E does something my mom told me I used to do as a child myself.

his weekend E ran unprompted to the corner of our yard set aside for a garden (but which is currently only growing dandelions) and carefully picked a bright yellow flower. And then he ran back to me and proudly thrust his little flower up at my face and said “Flower for mama!” It was very sweet.

I did the exact same thing when I was two or three. My mom relishes retelling the story, delighting in the toddler sweetness. I’ve heard it recounted so many times that sometimes it feels like I almost remember when it happened, fist clenched tightly around a yellow weed as my chubby little legs pump across the grass.

Like most people, my family is of essential importance to me. My religion teaches–and I believe–that families are able to be together after this life. The more I live and I experience the same things as a parent that I did as a child the more I feel like a link in a gleaming chain that stretches on and on.

With a Little Help from My Friends

Do you remember how much I loved this band jacket Stella McCartney did for Gap Kids? Well, my super seamstress sister-in-law Miranda did. She made E his very own marching band jacket for Christmas! And she didn’t just make one, she also made a jacket for her son L (I know, I know–her sewing skills are insane).

Aren’t these cousins cute together? L is two months older than E to the day and they love playing together. L’s coming over for a few hours today and I’m sure the two of them will have a great time tearing apart my house. E loves L so much that whenever it’s time to say goodbye E cries and cries.

But at least now he can look stylish while he cries.

Oh, the food, the glorious food! (part 1)

N and I like Korean food and usually eat it at least once every couple weeks or so. We would eat it more often but I only know how to make a handful of dishes. But I have ambitions of becoming better at cooking Korean food, especially because most dishes don’t contain things that E is allergic too.

Anyway, any visit to my parents’ house is guaranteed to feature some delicious Korean food since my mom is a great cook and we also usually grab a bite to eat in Koreatown at least once or twice.

(I can’t remember the Korean name): Buckwheat noodles in fish broth topped with egg, sesame spinach, dried seaweed, and kimchi.

Ojinguh: squid served with spicy dipping sauce (not pictured).
This is one of my favorite Korean snacks and has been since I was a kid.
(Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!)

Ddukbokki: spicy pressed rice cakes with fish cakes
And the spread at the Korean BBQ place Honey Pig in Tacoma.
(I really like this place. It’s the only BBQ place I’ve been to that serves you rounds of pickled daikon and chewy wonton wrappers to wrap your meat up in. The crunchy+chewy texture is delicious and addictive–yum!)

*Sigh*…looking at these pictures is really not helping with my Korean-food withdrawal.