Great for eight and up

We gave my nephews this video microscope for Christmas. It was a big hit. It lets you zoom way in on things and then take digital pictures which you can download onto a computer. They had fun zooming in on things like skin, hair, and carpet and being simultaneously amazed/grossed out.

It’s list price is $80 but Amazon is selling it right for $18. It’s a great deal. I know everyone’s pretty much all shopped out by now, but it might be worth snagging now and hiding away for your science-loving kid’s birthday.

Merry Christmas!

As you could probably tell from the previous pictures, E loves our Christmas tree. However, when I was first setting it up he started freaking out. At first I thought he was frightened of the tree but then I realized he just wanted to help.

Decorating the Tree from Faith on Vimeo.

Anyway, the gifts are unwrapped and now we’re all playing with new toys and snacking on treats from our stockings. After a crazy few weeks it’s finally time to relax. (Yay!)

I hope you have a lovely Christmas.

O Christmas Tree

Well, we didn’t make it to the mall yesterday; we didn’t make it anywhere. We ended up getting more than five inches of snow and so E and I stayed home all day.

We only just got around to putting up our Christmas tree on Saturday. But E’s been making up for lost time by enjoying it to pieces. Luckily, the only casualty so far was just a straw ornament. (Sadly, it apparently did not taste as good as it looked.)

Woodworking, anyone?

I’m still in in the midst of holiday chaos (I have to brave the snow and crowds and go to the mall today for the first and hopefully only time this season) but I’m already looking forward to starting my woodworking class again in January.

I know I didn’t post any details about my fall semester projects, but that was because they were Christmas presents for family and I wanted to avoid spoilers. But I took some pictures and will post after Christmas.

Anyway, if you’re in the area, I highly recommend the class. It’s a lot of fun.


We’ve had two snow storms in a row this week. Yesterday’s was quite impressive. This morning I took E out for his first experience in the snow.

He quickly went from rather amused…

…to apprehensive…

…to decidedly unhappy about the situation.

And it all happened within a quick two minutes, which was considerably less time than it took to wrangle him into his snowsuit.

The only reason he even has a snowsuit (which I discovered are shockingly expensive) is that I saw one for 60% off the day after Thanksgiving. Hopefully E will get over his lackluster feelings towards snow and we’ll actually get a bit of use out of it this winter. But I don’t really blame him; I’d rather be inside too.

I would totally watch C-SPAN…

…if stuff like this happened in our congress.

Photos and article from the New York Times online.
Published: December 18, 2008

TOKYO — The parliamentary battle over a contentious free trade deal in South Korea led to a confrontation on Thursday in which opposition lawmakers used a sledgehammer to knock down the doors of a blockaded room in which a committee was discussing the agreement.

Members of the opposition party were sprayed with fire extinguishers from inside as they tried to enter a parliamentary committee room.

Television footage showed fire extinguishers being sprayed at the opposition lawmakers trying to get into the room . At least one person was shown bleeding from the face.

The members of the opposition Democratic Party were trying to stop the trade agreement with the United States from advancing to the floor of parliament for a final vote. The governing party has been seeking to ratify the trade pact by year’s end, saying it would improve South Korea’s competitiveness and ties with the United States. Opponents say it will hurt South Korean farmers.

Violent clashes in the South Korean parliament, called the National Assembly, are not unheard of, reflecting the nation’s feisty brand of democracy. The trade agreement with the United States has been a particularly thorny issue, after massive demonstrations in Seoul earlier this year against the import of American beef.

Thursday’s assault came after the opposition party had threatened to block the deal by using physical force if necessary. Fearing an attack, members of the foreign affairs committee, under control of the governing Grand National Party, had barricaded themselves inside the room as they met.

Security guards and aides from the governing party stood outside the barricaded doors, where scuffles broke out when a dozen opposition lawmakers showed up. The opposition lawmakers then used at least one sledgehammer and crowbars to tear through the doors, only to be thwarted by piles of furniture thrown up as a second line of defense.

The mayhem failed to prevent the pact from being formally introduced to the committee, a step in the process of bringing it to a full parliamentary vote.

The deal to lower tariffs and other trade barriers was signed last year by negotiators from South Korea and the United States, but cannot take effect until ratified by lawmakers in both nations.

The pact faces stiff opposition in United States Congress, where many fear it could disadvantage struggling American automakers.

“Feisty brand of democracy,” indeed!

Better late than never…

It’s been a busy day today: we took N’s cousin to the airport this morning and then E and I went to my office’s holiday lunch today at Tucano’s, one of those all-you-can-eat Brazilan grill places…three hours later I’m still full. (Curse you, fried bananas and delicious cheesy bread!) And now E and I need to drive to the candy supply store to buy several pounds of chocolate so we can make peppermint bark.

I don’t really have anything especially noteworthy to share and so I’ll leave you with the surreal “Hamster on a Piano.”

Books for the toddler set

I’ve been pretty good about not going overboard on toys for E this Christmas. He’s too young to care and so I just got him a few small things. But I’m a total sucker for good kids’ books. E will have these three waiting for him under the tree; the first two from us and the last one from one of his aunts (Thanks, Gwyn!)

Lovely, lovely stylized animal illustrations.
Apparently it’s now sold out at Amazon but it’s worth tracking down elsewhere.

Introduce baby to sushi. There’s a whole series for introducing your kids to wonderful foods they will probably refuse to eat: Dim Sum , Mexican, Italian, Jewish , Soul Food, and Indian.

Delicious contemporary art. Great paintings.

Snowed in, figuratively speaking

So this guy seems to be feeling much better.

He was teething pretty hard last week but over the weekend one of the two teeth that are coming in popped through. E is mercifully back to sleeping through the night after two weeks of waking up at least twice a night.

But now the question is, how the heck is it already Christmas next week? I don’t know what I did with the first half of December. I think the shower repair really set me back because I had to hang around the house for a whole week while they were working. Thankfully it’s over now. (Except that one of the showers now has really poor water pressure which I need to call the plumber about.)

Anyway, this week is going to be crazy: my monthly report for work is due today and I have several hours of work to do for it, I have to go shopping for N’s office sub-for-Santa, I have four Christmas parties/events to go to (one of which I simply can’t make), we need to make candy to give as neighbor gifts, I need to make 30 ornaments for the girls in Young Women’s (the girls’ auxiliary at church), I need to put together and deliver some gifts to the office, and lastly I need to finish shopping for gifts for family members and mail them off. Oh yeah, and I thought it would be fun/funny to take E to have his picture taken with Santa at the mall.

*Sigh.* It seems like only yesterday that I was congratulating myself for being ahead of the curve this year. Where does the time go? Oh well. I guess I just need to plow through at this so I can relax next week and actually enjoy the Christmas.