Big Brother E

After people ask about how the baby and I are doing the next question they usually ask is how E is adjusting. He’s been doing great.

It seems like it only took him a day or so to figure out that Mimi was here to stay. Now if he doesn’t see her around he asks me where she is. And sometimes when Mimi cries he’ll go up to her and tell her that it’s going to be okay or “helpfully” try to cram her pacifier into her mouth.

I think the hardest thing for E has been being stuck at home these last few weeks. He’s been watching entirely too much TV while I mostly sit on the couch trying to recover and keep our giant baby girl fed and happy. Sometimes he DOES gets antsy and I feel guilty about him being stuck at home. Before Mimi was born we usually left the house to do something at least once a day and when E gets bored he can act out a little.

But all in all he’s taken Mimi’s arrival in stride and in his usual easygoing manner. I’m just grateful that he hasn’t decided to resent the baby (yet!) and that he’s adjusting so well.

Her Name

When I started this blog after E was born I decided to use initials to refer to him and N instead of their names. I didn’t have a lot of super well thought-out reasons, just the vague goal of trying to preserve their privacy while allowing me to write about my family. I’m not worried about someone trying to stalk us or kidnap E or anything like that; I just wanted to make it a bit more difficult in ten years for E’s punky friends to find my blog archives and tease him about those sappy letters I wrote him.

With all that said, I still wanted to share the baby’s name with you. So here it is:

Since she has the same initials as N I needed another blog name for her so I’ll call her Mimi here.

Home Again

The baby and I came home from the hospital Sunday afternoon. I know some people don’t like hospital stays but I came home from mine with slightly mixed feelings. I was excited for our little family to be together again but at the same time staying in the hospital was actually pretty pleasant except for the pain from the surgery (which was pretty intense for the first few days).

The nurses were great, the food (which you ordered room service-style) was decent, I had some lovely visitors, and when I wasn’t napping or looking after the baby I used my phone to watch a few movies using Netflix which was fun.

But it’s great to be home and to be finding our new normal as a family.

She’s here!

…all 10 LBS AND 13 OZ of her!!! (Yeah, I’m pretty glad I decided against trying for a VBAC.). She is 20 inches long and has the most adorably chubby legs and cheeks.

The c-section went smoothly and except for having quite a bit of nausea after the surgery yesterday and some pain at my incision today I’m doing well. And when I bury my nose under her chin and inhale that delicious new baby smell I get high on hormones and even my incision doesn’t really hurt that badly.

E saw her for the first time last night and was very sweet with her. And she already has N wrapped around her little finger. We are all just head-over-heels in love with her.

Sundance Film Fest 2011: Part Two

On Saturday night N and I went out to dinner at The Copper Onion which is conveniently located next to the Broadway theater where our first movie of the night was playing. After seeing a parade of restaurants open and close in this space over the years I’m so glad to see that The Copper Onion is still going strong a year after it opened. The food is great! I love their sides in particular. Everything is very fresh and flavorful. In the summer N and I fight over their beet salad but the star of this last visit was the roasted cauliflower with anchovy cream and capers (in the middle of the photo below).

It was SO GOOD. I would have happily have eaten a big bowl of it for my entree. I also really liked the shredded brussels sprouts; the spinach with raisins and cashews was good but just okay. N got a plate of sweet breads and I got the pasta special and we shared everything. It was delicious but somewhat bittersweet because after the baby’s born I’m cutting out all dairy, eggs, and nuts from my diet while I’m nursing and I’m really going to miss food like this.

About the movies: the first film was saw was Incendies which is nominated for the Best Foreign Film Oscar. Based on a play by a well-known Lebanese-Canadian playwright, Wajdi Mouawad, the film opens with the reading of the unusual will of Nawal Marwan, a secretary of a Canadian notary. In her will Nawal’s twin children Jeanne and Simon are charged with finding their father (whom they understood to be dead) and their brother (whom they didn’t knew existed) and delivering sealed letters to them.

The film cuts between scenes of Nawal’s life in an unspecified Middle Eastern country (Lebanon) as a civil war breaks out between Muslims and Christians and those of the twins traveling around their mother’s homeland in the present day searching for their father and their brother.

The film is really great and was my favorite of the three things we saw this year. The director, Denis Villeneuve, does a great job conveying the sense of place that is so critical to the story. And he handles several big plot reveals with a light hand and allows the story to tell itself.

After the screening Villeneuve conducted an excellent Q&A and provided some thoughtful insights into the movie as well as patiently answered a few moronic questions from the audience. One tidbit was that for a while the studio wanted to release the movie with the title Scorch but then backed off once they realized it made the film seem like a B movie. For more details about the film see N’s review here.

After Incendies we drove to the other end of downtown and saw Martha Marcy May Marlene. The movie rests on the shoulders of Elizabeth Olson (younger sister to Mary Kate and Ashley) and she carries it handily. Olson plays Martha, a young girl who falls in with a group of young people living commune-style on a farm in upstate New York. The group is headed by a older man who exercises absolute authority over everyone. The movie never uses the world “cult” but it becomes obvious that’s what life on the farm is.

Soon into the film Martha runs away from the farm and seeks refuge with her estranged sister Lucy and Lucy’s husband Paul. The rest of the movie cuts between Martha’s life with the cult and her struggles to integrate into Lucy and Paul’s upper-middle class life. The movie rides on Olson’s ability to depict her character’s inner turmoil without turning it into melodrama and I think she did a great job. It’s especially impressive since it’s one of her first feature films. For N’s take on the movie see his review here.

Sundance Film Fest 2011: Part One

The past few years N and I have bought locals’ ticket packages for Sundance. It’s always been a lot of fun: after the craziness of the holidays and in the middle of the January doldrums it’s great to play hooky from real life and go see some great movies. We usually go see about six movies but with the baby coming so soon this year we just bought tickets to three. It was really nice to go out on a last few dates before she arrives.

On Friday night we ate some delicious Middle Eastern food at Maza and then walked over to the Tower Theater and watched the Korean revenge thriller I Saw the Devil by Kim Ji-woon.

(Yum…tasty, tasty revenge)

I’ve seen several Korean thrillers: Kim Ji-Woon’s A Tale of Two Sisters, Park Chan-Wook’s Vengeance trilogy (Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Old Boy, Lady Vengeance), Memories of Murder, The Host, Mother, etc… and I think that I Saw The Devil is one of the most disturbing. I actually found myself covering my eyes at times which I normally don’t do. It’s very violent and definitely not for everyone (or probably even most) but I thought it was pretty good.

The director Kim Ji-woon and one of the film’s stars, the very cute Byung-Hun Lee, attended the screening and introduced the film but unfortunately didn’t stick around for a Q&A. You can read N’s more detailed review here.

Letter: Month Thirty-Eight

Dear E,

If you’re reading these through in order you’ve probably noticed that last month’s letter is missing. What can I say? It seems as though the weeks are flying by and it’s only by making a big effort that this month’s letter is getting written (and it’s a couple of weeks late at that).

Things have been pretty hectic around here with us getting things ready for the baby. For a while when we were shuffling furniture and stuff around from room to room you were a little freaked out. But you also wanted to help which was very sweet.

This month saw your first sign of sibling jealousy. You’re still sleeping in the crib I made and since you don’t climb out, you still take a two-hour nap, and you play quietly in there before naps and falling asleep I decided not to mess with a good thing right when the baby comes and just leave you in there for now. So for the first couple of months the baby will sleep in our pack and play and then we’ll get you a twin bed and put the baby in the crib. We got out the pack and play to set it up in the baby’s room you pointed to it and declared it “E’s little bed!” When we told you that baby sister was going to sleep in it you fussed and shouted “Mine! My bed!” And then I have a flash of what the next several years and then some are going to be like.

Lately you’ve been really into rocket ships and robots. Around Christmas they showed WALL-E on tv and we recorded it on our DVR. You LOVE it and would watch it several times a day if we let you. You like to pretend you’re a robot (and that your dad and I are robots) and run around the house making robot noises and acting like you’re blasting into space. Pretty cute stuff.

Even though you still sleep like a champ you’ve started stalling when it comes to bed time and other things you’re not excited about. If we tell you it’s going to be time for bed in 5 minutes you without fail ask “How about soon?…How about not right now?…How about just kidding!”

You are a great little guy to have around. I know that in a couple of weeks the new baby is going to need a lot of my attention but I’m hoping that you’ll adjust without too much trauma. Fortunately you and your dad are great pals and have a lot of fun together in the evenings and on the weekends which I think will help you adjust to the baby. Watching the two of you together makes me feel very blessed.



Mark your calendars!

I know I’ve been AWOL lately but to tell you the truth I haven’t really been doing anything very blog-worthy. I want to get back to posting fun things about E, art, photos, music, etc…but I’ve just been so tired lately.

The energy I do have goes towards cleaning out the junk room/the baby’s new room and shuffling stuff downstairs to our guest room (aka “the new junk room”). Or if I’m not doing that I’m working on my big quarterly report for work which needs to be finished next week.

E was a c-section but I had been holding out hope for a VBAC with this baby. However, after talking to my doctor this last week we decided to schedule a c-section for the 27th. There are several reasons for it (E was almost 9 lbs, this baby’s measure big too, my cervix/hips don’t like to cooperate, etc…) but it should suffice to say that the people actually involved (me, N, my doctor) feel like it’s the best decision. Some people can get really judgmental when it comes to pregnancy/birth and frankly I just don’t want to deal with it right now. I’m aware that there are several disadvantages to having a c-section and I’m not looking forward to recovering from major surgery while looking after a newborn AND a three year-old but I’ve prayed about it and feel like we’re making the right decision for us.

So now we’re just looking forward to our little girl arriving on the 27th!

A bit too much

Thanks for the feedback on the room! It’s fun to share my progress. Over the weekend I worked on cleaning out what we call “the junk room” (a.k.a. what will eventually be the baby’s room) and think I might have overdone it a bit because I’m rather sore today. Bending over at the waist doesn’t really work well for me right now so I was doing a lot of squatting to pick things up off the floor and my hips are killing me today. N kept telling me to take it easy but the nesting instinct is a harsh task mistress!

I’m off to go run some errands and then work some more around the house. But first I wanted to share this. This Pulp album has been around for a long time but N just recently bought it and and I’ve been listening to it a lot lately. I have a soft spot for sexiness that’s a little bit silly and this video is spot on.