Crafts are great and all, but what this blog really needs is more talk about poop!
E has been in underwear since May and quickly became an ace at peeing in the potty. Pooping was causing some issues, however. After trying bribery and time outs we finally settled on a sticker chart:
E has been wanting a bike for a while now and so N and I figured this would be good motivation for him. I brought the chart and stickers with us on our trip and he is almost halfway there to earning his bike.
But those first few stickers were won with tears and sweat. E was terrified of pooping on the potty and once he held it in for a whole week until we had to resort to mildly invasive measures (i.e. a suppository.) But now he’s doing well. I think he’s even on his way to conquering his fear of public toilets with their alarmingly loud flushes; he used the toilet at the airport which was a big deal.
So in summation, E is a super star.