For your Friday

N showed this to me yesterday. Ohmygoodness.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. Our will probably be pretty low-key. Tomorrow morning we’re going to the box office to get our tickets for the Sundance Film Festival but other than that we’re going to be hanging out at home.

Poor Mimi is coming down with a bug so I’m moving cuddling her to the top of my to-do list for this weekend. I guess that means painting cabinets got bumped from #1 (darn).

See you here next week!

A Photo A Day

I have a few specific resolutions for the new year and one of them is to a take at least one photo every day.

Ideally I’d like to use this exercise to develop my artistic eye and stretch the limits of what I can do with my dSLR and film cameras, but to tell you the truth I have a feeling that most of the photos are simply going to be taken with my phone as I’m out and about with the kids. (And I’m okay with that.)

I’ll be posting some of my favorite photos on this blog that but if you want to see all of my iPhone photos you can find me on Instagram @thenearestfuture. If you don’t use Instagram you can subscribe to my photos here. I’m also collecting all of the daily photos in a flickr set which you can see on the sidebar of this blog.

Do you use Instagram? If so, leave your username in the comments–I’d love to see your pictures!

Year in Review

Happy new year! For me, 2011 went by in a busy-but-mostly-pleasant blur.

It feels like she’s always been here but it was only last January that Mimi was born. And it only a little while later that she ended up in the hospital with RSV (and thankfully recovered fully).

Having a daughter has been a lot of fun. We’ve already started sharing clothes.

E grew in leaps and bounds from a toddler into a little boy. He learned to use the toilet and earned a shiny red bike for his efforts. He continues to make me laugh every day.

I cut my hair short for the first time.

It still has a long way to go, but I started tinkering around our house. I put up some pictures in our bedroom and we installed our Japanese robot toilet. I hung up the spice cabinet I built and then realized that the rest of the kitchen looked shabby in comparison so I started a DIY kitchen remodel (that is dragging on even as we speak, blarg.)

We did some fun things as a family. We went to the beach and ate s’mores. We made our annual trip to the state fair. And we had a lovely Christmas, Mimi’s first.

I’m excited and hopeful for this next year will bring us. I hope your new year is off to a good start.

Our Christmas

The kids had a great Christmas. E has been anxiously counting down the days until Christmas and had a blast unwrapping presents from us and Santa and thoughtful aunts and uncles and grandparents.

This was Mimi’s first Christmas and while she was oblivious to most of it she has been having a great time playing with the new toys and books.

I am so grateful for this little family of mine.

Allergy Tests

Back in October I had a weird allergic reaction to shrimp. I say “weird” because it was the first time I’ve ever had a reaction to food but considering E’s food allergies I guess it wasn’t that strange. I went to the allergist on Tuesday to get tested for food and other allergies.

(Right before the hives developed)

The good news?–I tested negative for shrimp and other food allergies. The bad news–I am crazy allergic to cats, dogs, weeds, grass, and dust mites. But I kind of already knew that any way so it’s not a big deal.

Even with the negative skin test the doctor still wants me to avoid shrimp for a year and then come into the office for a “food challenge” (e.g. sit in their office and eat a bunch of shrimp). I’m also supposed to carry around an Epi-pen for myself but I already have a kid-sized one for E and they are awfully expensive so we’ll see.

This puts a bit of a damper on my preferred method of celebrating New Year’s is to eat an inordinate amount of shrimp cocktail. Oh well, I guess there’s always assorted cheeses and cured meats.

Christmas Card Outtake

Some years I send out a Christmas card, some years I don’t. But since this is Mimi’s first Christmas I wanted to send out a card even though time-wise it’s cutting it a little close.

So yesterday I plopped the kids into their matching Christmas jammies and tried to capture the magic. (Previous years’ photos here and here.)

Let’s just say that getting a nice photo of both kids was harder than I anticipated. I ended up with a few decent shots but it was only by bribing E with a lollipop (at 9:30 in the morning) and by using some creative cropping. C’est la vie, I guess.

I hope you have a nice weekend.