Those poor boys

So this heartbreaking story is big news around here. Yesterday I was busy making some treats for a Superbowl party we were going to (suck it, Patriots!) and heard about it from N when he came home from counting the tithing at church.

Unfortunately we didn’t realize that E could overhear us talking and so we ended up with a distraught little boy who kept asking us “Why did the kids blow up? Was there a bomb in their house?”

I was baffled and didn’t know what to say. N and I had one of those silent exchanges of meaningful glances and then commenced to flat out lied to E that no, the kids did not blow up and that everything was okay. And then we went on to assure him that our house was very safe and didn’t have any bombs in it.

And then we went over to our friend’s house where E ate treats and played games and then forgot about the whole thing. But I’m still thinking about it today.

For Your Friday

I don’t know where this week went but I sure am happy it’s Friday. I feel like a wrung-out sponge. Hopefully this weekend will be pretty low key and I’ll be able to recharge a bit 🙂

Here’s a fun video N shared with me. It’s on the long side but it’s great.

The view from the cockpit with nothing but open sky in front of you must be so amazing.

I hope you have a nice weekend!

For Your Friday (George Michael Edition)

A little something for your Friday:

Our weekend is shaping up to be fun and eventful. We’re seeing four more movies at Sundance (two tonight, two tomorrow) and having one of the celebrations for Mimi’s birthday. (The other one will probably happen once the kitchen is finished).

I hope you have a great weekend!

Sink or Swim

It’s frustrating: I have several things I want to post about but work and the ever-ongoing kitchen remodel (along with the kids) have been sucking up all of my spare time.

Right now I’m trying to figure out which of these two under-mount sinks to install. It’s the same price for either of them. I can see the advantage of the 60/40 split (more room to pile dishes!) but can’t decide if it will look off balance.

What do you think? Which would you be prefer to see in a house you were thinking about buying?

Sundance 2012 – The Queen of Versailles

Every year N and I try and make it to a few films at the Sundance Film Festival. It’s pretty affordable and easy to do thanks to locals’ tickets and there being several festival venues in Salt Lake City.

On Saturday we saw two movies, one of which was The Queen of Versailles.

The Queen of Versailles is a documentary that follows billionaires David and Jackie (his 30-years younger wife) Siegel as they set out to build their dream house, a 90,000 square-foot replica of Versailles complete with ice-skating rink and grand ballroom. It will be the largest home in America.

However, once the 2008 economic crisis hits, the time-share empire that Jackie and David’s wealth is based on starts crumbling and then falls fast and hard. Their opulent lifestyle is thrown into chaos.

Lauren Greenfield’s deft touch is evident throughout the whole film. Greenfield walks the fine line of mining the absurdity of the Siegels’ life for laughs while still humanizing her subjects so when their fall comes you still see them as family thrown into crisis and not merely symbols of the 1%.

If there is any flaw in the movie it is that Greenfield does not hold David and Jackie as accountable for their own downfall as she could have. The Siegels, billionaires at the beginning of the film, are by the end talking about how their kids will have to get loans if they want to go to college.

On camera they talk about how their bad fortune is the fault of conniving bankers. Greenfield lets them expose their delusions with their own words rather than confronting them with it which is a valid choice but it does mean at times you just want to grab Jackie and shake her by the shoulders.

The film has the arc of a classic Greek tragedy and is epic in scope but unfolds its story by capturing the most telling details–the painted fantasy portraits of David and Jackie as warrior and princess, the dead fish floating in the scummy tank, the piles of dog crap on the expensive carpets.

As I was watching the film I kept exclaiming to myself, “I can’t believe they got this footage!” The access the documentary crew had is astounding and speaks to Greenfield’s talent of connecting with her subjects.

The Queen of Versailles is funny and charming and thought-provoking. I heard it got purchased so it will be hitting theaters in a year or so. If you get the chance it’s definitely worth watching.

For your Friday

Tonight N and I are going to dinner at Cucina Toscana (which we’ve been wanting to try for ages) and then to a comedy show. I can’t wait!

I hope you have a great weekend. While you’re waiting for it to start here a couple things from the ol’ interwebs that caught my eye this last week:

Letter to Mimi: Months Nine, Ten, & Eleven

Dear Mimi,

First off, I know. And I’m sorry. Despite what your brother may tell you, it doesn’t mean we love you any less–honestly!

The main purpose of these letters is to record all the little things that otherwise would be lost in the daily grind of life with small kids but the last few months went by especially fast.

It’s a shame that I didn’t get those letters written because you grew a lot these last few months. Back in October you were still very much a baby. It was fun to dress you up for Halloween and cart you around. It’s strange to think that next year you’ll be walking around on your own.

It’s amazing to me how quickly you’re changing. Back when you started solid food it took you a few weeks before you even wanted anything to do with it. But now you’ve got the hang of it and you want to eat EVERYTHING.

In the mornings I plop you in your high chair while I fix breakfast and your eyes follow me around the kitchen with such intensity that it makes me laugh. You smack your lips in anticipation and kick your little legs in excitement. And heaven help us all if your brother gets his food before you do because you are not shy about standing up for yourself.

Luckily you like mostly everything we’ve given you: green beans, ravioli, potstickers, roast chicken, yogurt, samosas, bulgogi, roast squash, hummas, and guacamole to name a few. You’ve liked everything except for bananas–you hate bananas.

With your brother’s food allergies we were worried that you might have allergies too. I’ve been avoiding dairy/eggs/nuts/peanuts while nursing you but we recently had you tested for food allergies. For now it seems that you’re allergy-free! It was such a relief.

Without fail you want to try whatever I eat and I can’t describe how wonderful it is to be able to be able give you a taste without worrying if it will make you sick. But at the same time it makes my heart ache a little bit more for your poor brother.

Regarding other milestones, you were a little late learning to crawl. For months you got around by scooting backwards and then by slowly creeping forward on your tummy. But in the last few weeks you’ve master forward locomotion and now if I turn my head for a second you’re off and getting into trouble. I can tell that you’re going to keep me on my toes.

It’s so exciting to watch you grow into your own person. You bring so much joy into our family. We all love you so much, sweet Mimi.

