K-Pop Obsessed

It started out simply enough: N and I showed the Gangnam Style video to the kids and they loved dancing around to it and requested to watch it all the time. Then we started watching other K-pop videos on Youtube with the kids. Next, N made me a mix-cd for my birthday so the kids and I could listen to K-pop in the car.  And then I liked it so much that he made me another, and another, and another!

Now, 8 times out of 10 you’re going to hear K-pop playing if you get in my car; N checks allkpop several times a day during his breaks at work; and we watch a few videos together every night, and lately E’s pretend-play centers around being the leader of his own “Big Bang squad.”

This is one of our favorite videos.  It’s kind of epic and I love the operatic sensibility. Also, I have a wee crush on Top (the one with the blue hair).

I know that posting’s been light lately–I’ve been pouring most of my energy into working out and trying to cook healthy meals and in the evenings I just mostly want to crash on the couch and watch tv (and K-pop videos).

But I have some things I want to share so I’m going to buckle down and get on it.  So please don’t give up on me quite yet 🙂

I hope you have a great weekend!

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