I like Star Wars but I’m a pretty casual fan as these things go. I need to sit down and watch the original trilogy again because when the subject comes up my knowledge is pretty lacking.
I think it’s fun when kids are into Star Wars and I’m looking forward to seeing if E will be into the movies when he’s older. If you have a Star Wars-loving kid/adult in your life they’ll probably think these things are several kinds of awesome.

I’m tempted to try and make the quiet book as a Christmas present for E. But E’s really into superheros right now and still clueless about Star Wars so I want to make him a superhero cape and mask for Christmas.
But I might just buy this pattern and stash it for later. It’s just so darn awesome. You can get a kit that comes with supplies or just the PDF version of the pattern. Julie has more pictures of the book up on her blog here and here.
So is anyone making any presents/crafts this year? Except for the cape/mask set for E my crafty Christmas goals are limited to a few felt tree ornaments. I’m trying to keep my expectations reasonable since I have several projects to do around the house to prepare for the baby.
Holy Smokes! That Jedi Quiet Book is awesome. I added it promptly to my Christmas wish list.
Your Jedi quiet book should have a few pages about double-jumping.