The people who run the community education program where I take my woodworking class wanted students to submit photos of past projects to their website. I was going through my photos and realized I didn’t have any of the crib I had made (it was from before I started this blog) so I ran upstairs with my camera to remedy the situation.

The crib is made out of solid walnut with lacewood accents. It took me three semesters to finish but I wasted a bunch of that time redoing things I messed up on and sitting around waiting for help (it was back when I was more of a beginner). If I were to make another one now (not that I have plans to) I could probably finish it in two semesters. I bought my plans and a hardware kit (the spring support for the mattress and the rails for the sides to slide up and down on) online.
Look back now there are a few things I would do differently. The slats ended up being a touch thinner that I wanted them to be and in the back of my mind there’s always a small worry that E’s going to kick though one of them, but so far they’ve been fine.
It was a really fun project. If I ever make another one I’ll probably customize the plans in some way like other people have done. All things considered I’m happy with how it turned out.
It's simply amazing that you MADE your crib. I'm very impressed!
I'm so glad you shared this! It is amazing and I really am so impressed that you tackled such a huge project. What an awesome heirloom item it will be for your family. You may have to make one for each child, just to avoid future contention over who gets it=) I LOVE it. It is beautiful.
Wow–that's an amazing crib! Nice job.
Wow. Even though I was there when you made it, I still never fail to be incredibly impressed by that crib. It is gorgeous.
I'm so impressed! It's beautiful and looks like you bought it!
Beautiful. What an amazing gift for your child.
faith, i can't believe you made this on your own! you're excellent at wood-working — i totally want to learn this skill myself!
…I am still stunned that you made a CRIB. VERY impressive – and it's gorgeous!!
So cool, Faith. I love the detail, too.
Your crib is absolutely STUNNING.
Thanks for sharing this! I love it!