We’re back: a little tired but happy (and behind on laundry). Poor E was so tired that he sacked out shortly after take-off and didn’t wake up until descent.
It was a wonderful trip and now I feel energized, happy to be home, and ready to tackle my goals re: spring cleaning and getting in better shape. And I have lots of pictures and things to write so I’m going back to daily posting.
It’s great to be back!
"Poor E was so tired that he sacked out shortly after take-off and didn't wake up until descent."
Just as the babysitters planned it! Genius.
Glad you made it home safe and sound! And I'm glad you're glad to be back – always good to come home from a trip with a new lease on life instead of dragging your feet.
Ken, I know–right? The part I didn't mentioned was the E was still so tired that when the pilot's announcement woke him up he flipped out and cried and wailed. The only thing that would mollified him was feeding him half a package of Skittles (bought for such an emergency) one-by-one.
But all and all, it wasn't so bad.
Gwyn, my enthusiasm has already dimmed a little (i.e. our suitcases are still sitting in the living room, open and with contents strewn about). Ah, well.
Don't you love it when they fall asleep on the plane? Sorry that the announcement messed it up. 🙁
I love the picture of E. You are really great at capturing a moment. I wish I had your talent for photography.
Natalie, N actually snapped this photo. I was sitting next to E and couldn't get the right angle. (That little smudge in the lower left corner is my shoulder.) But I'm so glad N got the shot. It's one of my favorite recent photos of E.
Glad you're home safe!