I have a dress watch but lately I find myself preferring to wear cheap digital watches. Life with a toddler and having hobbies like woodworking don’t mix well with wearing a nice watch everyday. And I also like being able to use my watch as a stopwatch and alarm.
My current watch is getting pretty busted so I took a quick look around for other options and I found these. All of these are around $25 except for the green one which is $45.
I’m having a hard time deciding which one I like best. How about you–do you like one in particular? 1.Blue Casio Pop Tone Watch 2.White Casio Pop Tone Watch
3.Red Casio Pop Tone Watch 4.Orange Casio Square Watch
5. Green Datamat Watch 6.White Calculator Watch
I think the first white one is my favorite, but they're all really great.
I *heart* #4. 😀
Hard to choose! I really like that first white one, too, but the orange Casio just barely noses it out of the lead for me.
#2 is my fav. White goes with everything, & it's simple.
Oh my. A guy I'll be working with and just met today had a black calculator watch on. I admit I was trying my hardest to suppress giggles.