Up until now I’ve successfully avoided ever having to cook a Thanksgiving dinner. But this year my luck finally ran out/we decided that it would be nice to have our own dinner now that we have our own little family.
But of course I’m horribly unprepared. Work has been really crazy lately, N and I are both coming down with colds, and E’s been feeling under the weather and cranky since he got his flu shot on Friday. Bleh. I wish I had another week to prepare.
But the holidays wait for no one. Since it will just be the three of us I’m planning keeping it as simple as I can: turkey, stuffing, potatoes, a vegetable dish/salad, store-bought rolls, and a homemade pie or two (N has his heart set on a berry pie and has vowed to help with the baking). My sister-in-law Miranda recommended this Alton Brown turkey recipe which seems doable and tasty, but other than that I’m not sure about which recipes to use.
Any specific suggestions? What are you guys going to cook?
I've never had to cook a Thanksgiving dinner either.
I grew up with Stove Top stuffing, so all I can suggest for that is the recipe on the side of the box =)
I'm making an apple pie tomorrow night since we're headed over to hubby's parent's house on Thurs.
Wish I could be more help!
Ha! That's the same recipe I'm using this year! We'll all be eating the same turkey, even if we're not all together!
Celeste, I hope your luck continues to hold! I had a brief dream of whipping out some Martha Stewart-worthy feast but I've already caved in to more realistic expectations and will probably be using Stove Top too.
Since stuffing has milk/eggs in it E won't be able to have any and it seems over the top to make a big batch from scratch for just the two of us.
The only things I don't have recipes for are the veggie side dish and the berry pie.
LOL, Mindy. We'll think of you when we're eating our turkey.