Thanksgiving 2009 will go down in family history as The Year With The Mouse. Yep, yesterday a mouse somehow made its way into the crawl space behind our fireplace and then decided to take a tour of our family room. I was on a last-minute grocery run so our poor babysitter was the first one to spot it. N arrived home first and got the report from our freaked-out sitter and then promptly called me on my cell. And I promptly freaked out and bought several traps and packages of poison bait.
We looked everywhere in the living room but couldn’t find it. It didn’t show itself until after we put E to bed and were watching a show. Then it darted out from a vent in the back of our gas fireplace and ran behind a bookshelf. Needless to say, we were pretty freaked out. We were up until after 1am trying to get rid of it. It wasn’t interested in our sunflower seed butter baited traps (with E’s allergies we don’t have any peanut butter in the house). At one point I had the ambitious idea that I was going to trap it under a sieve and then take it outside and let it loose. However, it didn’t quite catch the vision of my humane plan and wouldn’t cooperate. So we broke out the poison.
We haven’t seen it all day today so I think it either succumbed to the bait or found its way back out again. *Shudder* So hopefully we’ve seen the last of it.
Other than the drama with the mouse our Thanksgiving was really nice. Very low-key, but nice. Not to get sappy, but the older I get the more I can truly see the hand of the Lord in my life. I’ve been blessed with a wonderful husband, a sweet son, loving parents and family, kind friends, and a warm home on cold nights (mouse notwithstanding).
I am so sorry! We were plagued by mice in Murray. It's so gross and disconcerting to have rodents in your house. I hope it goes away quickly! The worst thing about mice is that there is rarely ever just one. I am sure that makes you feel so much better!
I would smack that mouse around for you a couple times if I didn't also flip out at the mere mention of the little buggers. May your unwelcome guest find comfort outdoors.
Yikes! Glad it's gone now. & happy that you had a nice Thanksgiving.
Please bless the mouse Thanksgiving is a one time event.
Yikes! I feel so out of touch, not having checked your blog for a couple days. And look what happened in my absence! Sorry about the rodent troubles. If it makes you feel any better in a sick twisted way, I think we have a …(can't quite get myself to say it)…rat. In my kitchen. Never actually seen it, but it has managed to lick all of our mouse AND rat traps clean, not to mention shoved them half way across the room without triggering them. Several times! We hoped he would get careless and get caught while we were out of town, but no such luck. You are inspiring me to finally break out the poison. Have you caught any whiffs of decaying mouse yet? That's my main deterrent.
Rodents aside, I'm so glad you had a nice thanksgiving. We thought of you so often that day and hope that your Alton turkey turned out (Mindy's was awesome – no surprise there, right?
) How was the pie?
I'm giggling and I'm sorry. Mice don't bother me (though I do jump when I'm surprised by most anything), it's the rats that get to me.
I'm glad he's either out to dine elsewhere or…yeah =)
I, too, am not bothered by mice (but rats… ugh, rats!)… and we'd have a few "lab mice" running around the building of my last work place. You'd hear screams now and then when someone spots one. It was worse when we renovated our labs (demolished several to make it into one large center lab) and all the mice that had been hiding scurried around looking for new place.
Hopefully the mouse went somewhere deep into the house to die… or it might stagger out for one last hurrah? (haha, just kidding, I'm sure it won't come out… kind of sure…)