On the Edge of Our Seats

This past week we’ve been seeing a lot more of this than is usual:

Yep, one of E.’s teeth has finally decided to grace us with its presence. But it’s being a total drama queen and has decided to keep us writhing in suspense for over a week. In the mean time, E. is congested and drooly, cries at the drop of a hat (or if you take too long getting him a Cheerio), and has trouble napping (but thankfully he still sleeps okay at night).

All and all, I guess it’s not too bad. But it’s been going on since last Friday. Just how long does this whole thing normally take? When I feel inside his mouth it seems sometimes like the tooth is very close to the surface but at other times it feels like it has sunk down some. Do teeth actually do that? This tooth is such a tease!

On a brighter note, N.’s grandpa is arriving tonight to stay with us for a week and a half while he attends a conference in town. It’s always fun to have Grandpa around and I’m hoping to get some good pictures of E. with his great-grandpa.

3 thoughts on “On the Edge of Our Seats”

  1. You probably didn’t even know we were looking at your blog…I love it. E. is a cutie. With teething, at least our teething, it just depends. Our first the teeth seemed to come in quickly without any fanfare. Our second, well we knew he was teething a month before anything came through. Good luck. They make teething tablets that helped make our little one more pleasant through the whole thing.

  2. How sad! The one lone tear trickling down sad E.’s face. Teething is so lame, mostly because it throws off the lovely schedules and dispositions of normally good-tempered little babies. Like E, our first E still slept well at night but naps were a total loss. It was rough and you have all my sympathy. I think some teeth can rise and fall and I don’t think the most painful part is when they break through the skin. Our girls usually had a rougher time when the teeth were making their way toward the surface than when they actually broke. Except for canines. Eve has Jared’s scary pointy canines and those suckers hurt! But hopefully it will all be over soon and you’ll have your sweet guy back. As always, I love his styling ‘do in the picture.
    Say hi to Grandpa for me!

  3. Ava is teething too… its such a pain. The teething tablets work sometimes or I go for the Tylenol when the fever kicks in. It can last a few days or much longer. Good luck.

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