And happy birthday to another all-around great guy. I love you dad!
Category: holidays
Happy Birthday to N!

Easter Festivities
Miranda and I thought that E and L would get run over by the bigger kids at the community egg hunts so we tossed some empty eggs out in her backyard and let them have at it. L got the hang of picking up the eggs and putting them in his basket right away; E–not so much. He was more interested in clutching an egg and wandering around complaining about the general situation.
Valentine’s Day Craft
Forget to buy your kid some valentines to take to school tomorrow? Don’t panic; Brenda over at Secret Agent Josephine has made these super cute ones you can download and print.
She has both color and black-and-white versions the kids can color here.
New Year Navel-Gazing
I love celebrating the new year. It’s not so much the parties and such, but I like reflecting on the past year and thinking about what I want to accomplish in the coming year. So, here are some of my goals for 2009 (in no particular order).
- Become a better cook and learn some good dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free recipes for E’s sake.
- Finish organizing/decorating my house (after living in it for 4+ years!) and then keep it tidier.
- Exercise regularly and get in better shape (Come on, America! We can do it!)
- Help E grow into a well-adjusted, happy toddler.
- Improve my woodworking skills.
- Improve my photography skills.
- Keep in better touch with friends and family.
- Grow in spirituality.
- Save more money.
- Floss regularly all year long instead of mainly for the month leading up to my next cleaning (Hmm…too much info? Probably!)
How about you? Any goals for the coming year?
Time to clean up
Merry Christmas!
As you could probably tell from the previous pictures, E loves our Christmas tree. However, when I was first setting it up he started freaking out. At first I thought he was frightened of the tree but then I realized he just wanted to help.
Decorating the Tree from Faith on Vimeo.
Anyway, the gifts are unwrapped and now we’re all playing with new toys and snacking on treats from our stockings. After a crazy few weeks it’s finally time to relax. (Yay!)
I hope you have a lovely Christmas.
O Christmas Tree
Well, we didn’t make it to the mall yesterday; we didn’t make it anywhere. We ended up getting more than five inches of snow and so E and I stayed home all day.
We only just got around to putting up our Christmas tree on Saturday. But E’s been making up for lost time by enjoying it to pieces. Luckily, the only casualty so far was just a straw ornament. (Sadly, it apparently did not taste as good as it looked.)
Snowed in, figuratively speaking
So this guy seems to be feeling much better.
He was teething pretty hard last week but over the weekend one of the two teeth that are coming in popped through. E is mercifully back to sleeping through the night after two weeks of waking up at least twice a night.
But now the question is, how the heck is it already Christmas next week? I don’t know what I did with the first half of December. I think the shower repair really set me back because I had to hang around the house for a whole week while they were working. Thankfully it’s over now. (Except that one of the showers now has really poor water pressure which I need to call the plumber about.)
Anyway, this week is going to be crazy: my monthly report for work is due today and I have several hours of work to do for it, I have to go shopping for N’s office sub-for-Santa, I have four Christmas parties/events to go to (one of which I simply can’t make), we need to make candy to give as neighbor gifts, I need to make 30 ornaments for the girls in Young Women’s (the girls’ auxiliary at church), I need to put together and deliver some gifts to the office, and lastly I need to finish shopping for gifts for family members and mail them off. Oh yeah, and I thought it would be fun/funny to take E to have his picture taken with Santa at the mall.
*Sigh.* It seems like only yesterday that I was congratulating myself for being ahead of the curve this year. Where does the time go? Oh well. I guess I just need to plow through at this so I can relax next week and actually enjoy the Christmas.
For the Christmas card
I wanted to send out a photo Christmas card this year and so I took some pictures of E. They were taken before his haircut, as evidenced by the little tuff of baby hair sticking out from under his hat.
This photo is N’s favorite.
Aagh…I never should have cut his hair! *sniff*…the delicious baby cuteness!
Sometimes E will wave on cue, sometimes (usually) he won’t.
This is the photo I ended up using. I hope the cards turn out; I’m going to pick them up this afternoon.