Hooray for Women!

I feel very grateful to have so many amazing women in my life, especially those in my family.  My mother, sister, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law are all incredible women.  And my friends–my friends are awesome too! Thank you to all of them for all they do. I feel very fortunate to have so many caring women in my life.

I had a nice weekend with our family. As I predicted there were some cringe-inducing moments during one of the talks at church but two of the three were ok so I guess that’s progress. I think I would keel over from shock and happiness if someone gave a talk like this in our ward. I guess it’ll have to be enough to know that at least it’s happening somewhere.


We had a lovely Thanksgiving.  We went to my in-laws’ house and sat down to the incredible spread my mother-in-law prepared and ate ourselves silly.  There may or may not have been a ratio of almost one pie/cheesecake per adult 🙂

I guess it’s common around this time of the year but lately I’ve been feeling especially grateful for my blessings, especially for my good health and that of my family.  A few days ago N and I attended the funeral of Janet Rife, a family friend who died after a painful battle with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and recently a neighbor and friend was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer only a few weeks after losing her mother to the same disease.

These are heavy things. 

I’ve been blessed with an embarrassment of blessings and I take most of them for granted far too often.  When I’m spending the majority of my time caring for two small children it’s easy for me to fixate on getting them fed and their shoes on the right feet and when was the last time E/Mimi pooped and why oh why won’t E listen to me unless I repeat myself SIX times and finally yell and grrr….

But I want to be more than that; I want to be a more dedicated disiple of Christ.  I’ve had enough experiences that have demonstrated God’s love for me that I don’t have any doubts about it, even in the moments when I’m feeling down.  I know He loves me and I know he loves each of us.

I want to use the blessings I’ve been given and the knowledge I have to do awesome things. I want to be useful.

Mondays are teh lame

It turns out that the noted 20th-century philosopher Garfield was correct. I’m looking at the front end of this week already feeling exhausted. It think it’s mostly because I’ve had a raging sinus infection for a few days now and add to that several big work deadlines, a teething baby who has sleeping more poorly than she ever has before, and a dentist appointment to get a few cavities filled and blarg, my friends. BLARG.

But yesterday was actually really lovely. At church I taught the lesson in Relief Society and I drew heavily from this talk. (Read it if you have a few seconds; it is really great.) I still get ridiculously nervous when I teach at church but I think I’m slowly getting better at being more coherent. At least I hope so 🙂

After our church meetings we drove to my in-laws’ church service. They were scheduled to speak about their recent mission experience in Korea and it was great to hear their remarks. And then we came home, the stars aligned, and we all took much needed naps. Yay for naps.