A Dirty Little Secret

I’m a little embarrassed about it, but I still bathe E in the sink even though he’s almost two-and-a-half. Granted, I special ordered this deep sink when we were finishing our bathroom because I thought it would be handy for bathing babies/puppies. I like how E’s up at waist level and how I save water compared to filling a tub. But I do think it’s starting to become a tight squeeze.

It seems a little weird to me that he still bathes in the sink but I’m probably being hypersensitive. As long as I switch to the bath tub before he’s three his psyche should survive without any permanent damage, right? (That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway.)

6 thoughts on “A Dirty Little Secret”

  1. I love his towel too! I can't believe how ig he is getting. And don't worry about the sink=) We have a deep utility sink in our laundry room and it is still the bath of choice among my boys, Jack included.

  2. just came across your blog today for the first time! i'm fascinated that you love photography, design, and woodworking (all things i love or would love to do)… and that you love Korean food & culture! haha, are you Korean, or part Korean?

    i'm Korean, and i love Korean food too haha. i'm excited to follow your blog!

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