My Little Theiving Magpie

E is fascinated by our toiletries. And he’s tall enough now that if I forget to push everything back at least six inches from the edge of the bathroom counter there is no guarantee that it will be there the next time I need it. I’ve gotten out of the shower only to discover that my deodorant, moisturizer, or hairbrush is missing and then I have to wrap my towel around myself and go on an impromptu scavenger hunt.

I’ve been keeping this hair creme in the cabinet but yesterday I left it on the counter. As you can see, the container is super shiny. You should have seen E’s eyes light up when he saw it this morning. He clutched it to his chest and carried it around as if it were the most precious thing in the world. I guess at that moment, it was.

5 thoughts on “My Little Theiving Magpie”

  1. Sandra, I didn’t know that about the magpie. How funny.

    This morning E ran off with our toothpaste and left it under our bed, the little stinker.

  2. Isn’t it amazing how proud they are when they can reach all these amazing things that had been out of their reach for so long! I go on multiple scavenger hunts every day… 🙂

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