Local News

I was riveted to my computer yesterday watching local Colorado news during the whole-runaway-balloon episode. I’m so happy it turned out the boy was safe. I watched when the balloon landed and I was so sad at the thought that he had fallen out somewhere along the flight.

I really hope that the whole thing it wasn’t a publicity stunt like some are suggesting. Because that would be SO incredibly lame and make me even more cynical than I already am.

I usually don’t watch local news except sometimes for the it’s-so-bad-it’s-good entertainment factor of which this clip is a stellar example.

I heart (in no particular order) pierogi and N

N is amazing and helps out a lot around the house and takes a turn cooking dinner every other night. It’s a huge relief not to be responsible for putting dinner on the table everyday. N’s probably the better cook of the two of us anyway and last night he put together this tasty meal of pierogi and vegetables. I love dumplings of all sorts and pierogi in particular. Dumplings stuffed with mashed potatoes and cheese–what’s not to like? Add some sour cream on the side and you are in heaven, my friend.

On an unrelated note, I’ve updated my URL. This is the new one. Please adjust your bookmarks accordingly. (Hee-hee! Make your own here.)

Have a great weekend.

I like to dance!

E’s loves to watch the Nick Jr. show “Yo Yo Gabba!” As kids’ shows go it’s pretty good. It emphasizes moving around to music and they have a lot of good bands on the show.

One of the reoccurring segments features kids exclaiming “My name is ___, and I like to dance!” and then boogieing down in front of a green screen. As you can imagine, some of the dances are pretty awesome.

The show “The Soup” has been featuring some of the dance segments and the exposure has let to people creating remix videos like this one.

In B Flat

N is pretty much my own personal cool hunter. I don’t know how he finds these things, but he does. Last night he showed me this great collaborative music/spoken word piece, In Bb 2.0.

Give it a try. Select a few or several videos and see how they mix together. If you want to include it the spoken word piece is included in the video on the far left, third from the top.

For more details about the project check out the FAQ.

Fancy Fast Food

Yum, sushi…sushi made out of Popeye’s chicken! (Wha-wha-WHA?!?)

Fancy Fast Food is the brainchild of Erik Trinidad, a New York advertising designer/amateur food stylist. Trinidad creates haute cuisine out of fast food meals and photographs the results.

To see a step-by-step slide show of the above meal’s transformation see here. Time has more info on Trinidad here.

“I don’t want the whole world to know!”

I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned it before, but N’s family lived overseas while he was growing up. They lived in Seoul during the eighties and then moved to Singapore where N graduated from high school.

We spent a few summers in Korea together during college but haven’t managed to get over to Singapore yet. But I’d really like to visit. Because Singapore is a mixture of different ethnic groups: Chinese, Malay, Indian, etc… there’s an incredible variety of cultures (and food!). And English is widely-spoken so it’s easy to get around and such.

And the children are ADORABLE.