Have you seen these?

These photos by photographer Kim Kyung Soon for the October 2007 issue of Korean Vogue have been popping up on several blogs lately (found via Design Mom.) I think they’re great.

The models are dressed in hanbok, traditional Korean dresses. I have a few pictures of me in hanbok (that sadly don’t look anything like this). But if I can find them I’ll scan and post them sometime.

Usually hanbok are more brightly colored (older women wear more muted colors) but I love the soft colors and stillness of these photos. Looking at them makes my eyes happy.

I found some large images of these over at Simple Blueprint

The other thing floating around the ol’ internets I wanted to share was this video by OK Go. I know a lot of you have probably already seen it but I’m posting it just in case you haven’t and because it’s a happy Friday-type-of-thing.

Have a great weekend!


Sundance last night was a lot of fun. I’ve been running around all morning so I’ll post about the films we saw next week. We’re staying home tonight (which I am inordinately excited about since we got in late last night and I’m tired) but then we’re catching our last two shows tomorrow up in Ogden which should be fun.

Anyway, I’m super allergic to cats but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy them on the internets along with the rest of the world. Here’s a little something to kick off your weekend.

Have a great weekend!

Photos with Santa

Like a lot of two-year-olds E is not a big fan of seeing Santa in person. I had thought about taking him to the mall to get a picture of him with the big guy but E freaked out so much when he saw Santa at our little neighborhood party that I didn’t have the heart to drag him to the mall. Also, I just kind of ran out of time (see also: sending out Christmas cards).

This gallery of terrified kids with Santa is pretty awesome. Pictures #30 and on are “bonuses” and are their own special kind of awesome.


My friend Amber came over for dinner last night. She made okonomiyaki and I made ddukboki. It was SO good.

After dinner she showed us this German cartoon that a friend had shared with her. E thought it was great and after a few seconds was clapping along to the beat.

Later today I’m taking E to his annual checkup with his allergist. I don’t know how likely it is, but I’m really hoping that he’s outgrown some of his food allergies. *Crosses fingers*

Have a great weekend!