And So It Begins

Up until now E has been a pretty good eater: not very picky and fairly cooperative. But during the last few days he has started to be difficult at meal times. He refuses things that he used to like or food that needs to be eaten with a spoon.

This morning he decided that oatmeal should be reclassified as finger food and enthusiastically proceeded to eat it as such. Predictably, the results were not pretty.

Smiling in his sleep

Sometimes I need to wake up E from a nap in order to get to an appointment on time. I don’t like doing it–waking him on purpose just squanders the increasingly rare gift of toddler-free time. And sometimes he gets confused at being woken up and looks stricken and cries.

So last week when I had to wake him up early I decided to at least get a picture out of it.

E’s Second Haircut

Yesterday afternoon I took E to get a haircut. It was only the second time he’s been to have one and well, he flipped out. He cried and cried and stood up out of the little car he was sitting in and tried to escape. The cut ended up being shorter than I would have liked but I can’t really blame the stylist since E was such a difficult customer.

Thankfully E got over the trauma pretty quickly and since then has been rockin’ his new look. This morning at breakfast he was being pretty sassy.

Feeling Better

E seemed to be feeling better this morning AND he just went down for a nap without a lot of fuss (woot, woot!)

I did end up taking him to the doctor yesterday and she said his ears did have some fluid in them. I felt guilty that I didn’t take him in sooner, but E hadn’t had any cold symptoms so I thought his crankiness was just due to teething.

It seems to have worked itself out, though. The doctor said there was a good chance that it was viral and that antibiotics wouldn’t have helped any way. She did write me a scrip for some but also okayed waiting a few days to see if the infection got better on its own. I prefer not putting E on antibiotics unless it’s certain they’re necessary. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Shrieky McShriekington

The last few days have been rough.

E is teething really hard and has been really irritable for the last four days or so. At least I’m assuming he’s teething. In addition to being ornery and shrieking or crying at the drop of a hat (or at me daring to tell him no, he cannot play with that glass bowl/permanent marker/expensive stereo/sharp knife) he has been trying to chew on everything in sight. A few times he’s actually stuffed his fingers in his mouth and gnawed on them, something he’s never done before.

I’m just not use to it and it’s wearing me out. Sometimes he’ll be fine for 20, 30 minutes and I’ll be lulled into thinking he’s feeling better but then something will set him off and he’ll rocket from placid to wailing in a second. I’m hoping that it’s just his teeth bothering him and it’s not that after 14 months of being easygoing he’s simply decided it would be more fun to be a jerk.

I am really looking forward to N being home for the weekend so we can tag team the little howler.

Merry Christmas!

As you could probably tell from the previous pictures, E loves our Christmas tree. However, when I was first setting it up he started freaking out. At first I thought he was frightened of the tree but then I realized he just wanted to help.

Decorating the Tree from Faith on Vimeo.

Anyway, the gifts are unwrapped and now we’re all playing with new toys and snacking on treats from our stockings. After a crazy few weeks it’s finally time to relax. (Yay!)

I hope you have a lovely Christmas.