Happy Birthday, E!

E turns one year old today. I made a photo slideshow to celebrate the first year of his life. I was going to post his month 12 letter as well but it took me entirely too long to get the video together. So that will be another post.

Just FYI, there’s something wrong with the aspect ratio and so the photos look a little smooshed. I’m posting it as is because I’ve spent over an hour on it already and still don’t know how to fix it.

Music: “Everything will be alright” by Andy Partridge (of XTC)

Under Construction

Today the crew is starting work on the basement to install drains and a sump pump. Over the weekend N and I (but really mostly N) cleared small/loose items from the shelves in the basement and stacked everything in the guest room. And then this morning the crew filled in the rest of the guest room with the larger items and stacked our Rubbermaid storage bins in our living room. So now my house is even more topsyturvy than normal.

They’re about to start jack-hammering up the floor and have warned that it’s going to be quite loud. E is going to be due for a nap soon and so I’ll have to see how it goes. But my gut feeling is that jack-hammering + tired baby = trouble.

I guess we’ll see.

Happy Halloween!

E seems to be feeling better. So far he hasn’t thrown up since yesterday morning (knock on wood) and seems to have some of his appetite back. The doctor said that E would stop being contagious 24 hours after his fever broke and it broke on Wednesday night, so if E’s still feeling better this afternoon I’m going to dress him in his costume and take him by N’s office and maybe my office if there’s time.

It’s hard for me to believe that it’s Halloween already! E was actually due last Halloween but he wasn’t born until a week later. It’s been a great year.

Down for the count

Over the weekend E came down with a bad bug. At first I thought it was just a cold, but he’s been running a 103 degree fever since Monday, has a cough, and struggles to keep anything in his stomach. I took him to the doctor who thought it might be strep since his throat is inflamed but they swabbed it and it was negative. So they said it was a nasty viral infection and the only thing we could do is wait it out.

To add to over overall awesomeness of the situation, E is also cutting his two front teeth! With the fever and the teeth and the sick stomach, E is miserable. He cries and whimpers and then cries some more. But then he’ll give you a smile and you can tell that he’s trying really hard.

Poor little guy.

E’s New Friend

So lately we’ve been practicing waving, “bye-bye” with E. Sometimes he’ll wave back, but he hasn’t ever said “bye-bye” back. He’s said “Mama” a couple of times, but other than that he really hasn’t spoken any words–until this weekend that is.

We set up this activity table toy (which I got for WAY cheaper at Costco) for E over the weekend. The table has one of the most disturbing, annoying toy voices I’ve ever heard. It really is kind of creepy. But E loves it. If its buttons aren’t pushed for a few minutes the table turns itself off with a cheery “bye-bye!” which usually startles E. He whips his head around and stares at the table suspiciously, which is pretty funny to watch.

But yesterday instead of glaring at the table he smiled wide and waved his hand and said “bye-bye” in return. Never mind that he wouldn’t say it for us before or afterwards but he waved and politely told the table goodbye–twice!

So I fear we have been usurped in his affections by something battery-operated. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Marching it down the field

What’s that you say? You’ve been wondering how my fantasy football team is doing? How kind of you to ask. The Binky Blitz is on the move!

After the disappointment of handily winning week 1 and not having it count I lost my matchups in weeks 2, 3, and 4 and was in last or second-to-last place. I have to admit, dear reader, that for a time I was discouraged. I despaired of ever climbing out of the pit of ignominy in which I languished.

But then I traded for some free agents, switched a couple of things around, and won the next three games including one against the guy who was in first place at the time. (Woot, woot!) Now I’m in a very respectable sixth place.

So yeah, things are looking up. But I’ve been debating what to do about my quarterback. I have Peyton Manning and Matt Schaub. I think that Manning is the better quarterback, but his offensive line has really been letting him down lately. Combine that with their notorious inability of their defense to stop the run and well, the Colts have been under performing. For the last few weeks my brother David has been advising me to swap Schaub in for Manning but I’ve been resisting. I have to admit that I would feel a little guilty swapping him out. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for Peyton. But the fantasy football, she is a harsh mistress. I’ve got to study up on the games this week, but I might finally give in. Sorry, Peyton!

And now a little something for those of you who care nothing about fantasy football but have still bothered to read this post: E enjoying rice.

Bleh, but at least it’s Friday.

I’ve been meaning to post some pictures of the new action model E (it comes complete with crawling and cruising motions!) but haven’t taken any this week. I’ll get some this weekend and post them next week.

In the mean time, here is some Youtube goodness for your Friday.

First off, Squirrel Melts – awoman shoots and cooks squirrel on a hunt-and-cook cooking show! “Have you heard of tuna melts? This is a squirrel melt!”

And here’s a great cover of some Swedish girls singing the Fleet Foxes’
“Tiger Mountain Peasant Song.” I love the harmonies.