Fake but funny

Phew! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I got the bulk of my big quarterly report for work finished and E is feeling better. This week was hard for a number of reasons but things are looking up.

I know I mentioned that I was going to kick-off a new feature but with all the craziness this week that’s been postponed until next week. I’m excited about it though.

This video cracks me up. It’s not real; it’s a skit by a comedy troupe but it’s still really funny.

(Sorry for the weird size of the video: I couldn’t find a smaller embed).

Have a great weekend!

In the kitchen

N (fiddling with the cord to the blinds which has somehow gotten wrapped around the handle to the rice cooker): “What’s going on here? How did this even happen?”

Me: I have no idea. I didn’t do it.

N: Then who did it?

Me: …I think it was a poltergeist.

N: That explains so much! When I ran out of clean buttondown shirts for work last week–poltergeist!

Me: (Nods solemnly in agreement)


Miranda’s Giveaway

You guys, thank you for the kind comments yesterday. They were much appreciated. I was feeling a little down and worn out but today’s shaping up to be better.

I wanted to let you know about a giveaway. My ridiculously talented sister-in-law Miranda is trying her hand at making jewelry out of fabric yo-yos. She’s giving away this pretty necklace along with a set of matching earrings on her blog.

If you’re interested, enter before Saturday.

Sometimes it’s hard

E came down with a stomach bug over the weekend which I also caught. I’m better now but E still has a low fever and a cough. He’s been spending a lot of time draping himself over the couch and/or bursting into tears.

My stomach still isn’t back to 100% and I have been eating very much but for some reason this morning a fried egg (with a deliciously runny yolk) over rice sounded good to me. So I fried up an egg on the stove.

E loves helping to cook and dragged a chair over to the stove to watch. While I let him sprinkle some salt and pepper on the egg I reminded him that “This egg is for Mama; E can’t eat eggs because they will make him sick.” He’s usually pretty good about listening when we tell him that certain foods will make him sick and doesn’t insist on eating them.

But today, for whatever reason, he really wanted to try the egg. I gave him a few bites of rice but he kept pointing to the egg and saying “try it!” He had a full-blown sobbing meltdown and I ended up scraping my food into the trash because I felt horrible for eating it in front of him. And then I felt like crying.

I know that his food allergies are a minor thing as health issues go but I really wish he could eat eggs, drink milk, and have a peanut butter sandwich like a normal kid.

Camera Straps

Maybe it has something to due with spring but I have a hankering for a stylish camera strap. I don’t know if I’ll actually get one ($30 would buy a lot of film for my Holga) but I like looking.

Speaking of looking, have you used PicClick’s visual Etsy shopper? It lets you look at tons of thumbnails at once. It’s pretty awesome.

Bee-Bim Bop!

Before we put E to bed we read to him at night. He picks out a book and then sidles up to where I’m sitting, clutching it to his chest, and ask “Up, please!” Sitting in the rocking chair with him on my lap and his head resting against my cheek reading books is one of the highlights of my day.

Bee-Bim Bop! by Newbery-award winner Linda Sue Park is one of E’s current favorite. It is a great little picture book. The story follows a little girl and her mother as they bustle about preparing a Korean dish, bibimbap, for dinner.

The rhymes are pretty catchy; enough so that E can easily follow along. And the illustrations are cute. And there’s even a recipe for bibimbap in the back of the book. (I haven’t tried it out yet, though. When I make it I use my family’s recipe.)

It’s a great book to read with little kids, especially if they’re interested in different types of food or have Korean heritage.

Me and My Dad

Yesterday the high temp was 80 degrees! I’m enjoying the spring weather but both E and I are sneezing like crazy. Allergies aside, spring and fall are my favorite seasons here in Utah because summer is too darn hot and I hate shoveling snow in the winter (I’m afraid growing up in in WA state has made me somewhat of a delicate flower when it comes to extreme weather). So I guess I better man up, double my dosage of Claritin, and enjoy spring while it lasts.

I’m still going through the last batch of old family photos I scanned. Here’s a picture of me and my dad that I had never seen up until now.

This picture cracks me up. Don’t try and tell me we aren’t both rocking our respective hats because I WILL NOT BELIEVE YOU.

Epic Parenting FAIL

On Saturday night N and I went out with our friends Kristin and Ryan to dinner and to see Kick A**. I wanted to see it because I like kung fu movies, super heroes, nerdy kids, and 11 year-old girls swearing like sailors (just kidding!). But seriously, I read the reviews beforehand so I knew what type of movie I was going to go see. The movie was for the most part well-made and I liked it but it’s definitely not a kids’ movie. I think 16 is probably even too young in most cases. It’s not even a movie for squeamish adults.

Which was why I did a double take when I walked in the theater and saw a family sitting down with their approximately 9 year-old son. And then when the movie was over a mom walked passed us with her 6 year-old daughter! Who DOES THAT? Either the parents were totally clueless about what the movie was going to be like (in which case they should have walked out when the realized their mistake) or they they were simply too lazy to arrange babysitting. Way to traumatize your kids!

I try not to be judgmental regarding other parents (I have plenty of weaknesses of my own) but parents taking their kids to see age-inappropriate movies is a huge pet peeve of mine. Once they’re at a movie kids are a captive audience and it’s part of your job as a parent to make sure what they’re watching isn’t going to freak them out or damage them.

Epic parenting FAIL!