Our July 4th

The hits kept on coming all weekend; it was so much fun to spend time with family members we hadn’t seen in so long. As predicted, E loved hanging out with his cousins. Every morning when he woke up the first thing he wanted to know was where his cousins were. Things were so busy that unfortunately I didn’t take many pictures but we did manage to snap a couple to document a few firsts:

Mimi’s first Fourth of July

E’s first sparkler
Both were big hits!

In-law-palooza 2011

This weekend is going to be fun. N’s parents are returning home tomorrow after having spent the last THREE YEARS serving a mission for our church in Pusan, Korea. The last time we saw them was back in October when N and E and I went to Korea for a visit and since then we’ve been counting down the days until they came home (and started babysitting for us).

N’s sister Gwyn and his brother Ken are both coming into town with their families to see their parents so except for one missing sister this weekend will be a dress rehearsal of the family reunion we have planned for August. Gwyn and her family are going to crash at our house and I’ve been looking forward to seeing them for months.

For us this weekend is going to have lots of little cousins running around, probably a barbeque (or two) and possibly even some fireworks (fingers crossed). I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a great Forth of July!

L&L Hawaiian Barbecue

Last week one of N’s friends at work took him to L&L Hawaiian Barbecue for lunch and N liked it a lot. So on Friday we made the drive to Provo to eat there for dinner–worth it!

I’ve never been to Hawaii and I had never heard of this chain before. But I have eaten a lot of Hawaiian and Korean food (Korean BBQ is a big influence with Hawaiian BBQ) and I thought the food was good. The service was unfriendly (bordering on surly) like it is at some small places but all the food we tried (ribs, chicken, pork) was super tasty. And the portions are HUGE; we had enough leftovers for lunch the next day. We will definitely be going back. If you decide to go, go hungry and early (they close at 8pm).

L&L Hawaiian Barbecue
W. 1230 North & N. Freedom Blvd.
Windsor Park Shopping Ctr.
158 W. 1230 North
Provo, UT

There’s also a Salt Lake location:
(S. 700 East & University Blvd.)
358 S. 700 East

Letter to E: Months Forty-Two and Forty-Three

Dear E,

From here on out you might probably notice that most pictures of you also include your baby sister. It’s mostly because 1) it’s difficult to use my camera and hold a baby at the same time 2) lately when I have any free time I’ve been preferring to curl up with a novel rather than get out the camera and 3) when I do get the camera out you beg and beg for me to take pictures of you next to Mimi. So as you can see, it’s clearly mostly your fault.

Speaking of Mimi, you’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with your baby sister these last couple of months, for better or for worse. You get such a thrill out of making her laugh but your efforts usually consist of getting right up in her face and shouting nonsense words, pulling on her arm, or covering her face with a blanket. I’m not expecting you to have a new set of material every day but c’mon, I’m pretty sure you can step it up a bit. You don’t need to get all avant-garde or edgy. Just try a few things like, oh I don’t know…maybe speaking in an inside voice? Or soft animal sounds? I don’t know, I just thought I’d give you a few notes.

In other news, you’re progressing quite nicely with potty training. I probably should have started you on it last year but I wanted to wait until after we went to Korea and then the holidays hit and then Mimi was born and wow look at that, you’re almost three-and-a-half and still in diapers and kids at the playground notice and think you’re a little weird.

So one day after you had become good at sitting on your little potty chair I just put away your diapers and stuck you in underwear. We had a number of accidents that first week but then you pretty much got the hang of it. For a few days you had a horrific bout of diarrhea that I still have nightmares about (don’t worrying, I’ve taken the carpet cleaning bill out of your college fund.) but you are this close to getting the whole toilet thing down pat.

You are such a funny little guy. The other day some boy scouts were sitting in our living room explaining a fund raiser they were doing when your dad came home from work. When he walked into the house you gestured toward him and said to the boys, “Hey guys, this is my dad.” And it blew my mind. Look at that, you’re a real person! A person who sometimes still poops in his underwear, but A Real Person! And my heart swelled with pride and love for you until it felt like it would burst.

And then an hour later you were shrieking about how you DON’T WANT TO EAT CHICKEN FOR DINNER! and I found myself clenching my jaw and explain to you for the three-thousandth time why we use nice voices when we talk to each other, etc… Sometimes the emotional roller coaster ride gives me whiplash.

But luckily for us, you are still a joy to have around. You’ve been testing your limits more lately and sometimes outright ignore or defy us but when you calm down you’re still our sweet little guy. At times I can almost see the wheels in your head turn as you’re trying to figure out how the world works and what your place in it is. Sometimes when I’m down in the trenches of mundane everyday life I have to remind myself of it but it really is a privilege to help you find your way.



My First Quilt: Update 2

Things are looking up! Thank you for being patient with my little pity-party yesterday. You guys are really lovely. My toe has turned a lovely shade of purple but the pain has leveled off and things are getting back to a good normal.

In more cheerful news, I’m still chugging along on my quilt.

After I sewed my blocks together I cut them down the middle and was left with lots of half-square triangles blocks.

Then I took the blocks and pressed their seams open (all 130 of them). It took a while but I worked on it while N and I watched Hello, Dolly! (Seeing the bits of Dolly in countless viewings of WALL-E with E had made me want to watch the whole thing.)

Next I laid the blocks out on the carpet.

And then I clapped my hands together in excitement and squealed like a little girl. Squeee!

Today is going to be better

Yesterday was totally lame: E was on a tear and being outright defiant and even though he hasn’t had them in several weeks he had two accidents (one incredibly while he was sitting on my lap on our bed). And then I broke my little toe which was the icing on the cake.

It happened in such a embarrassingly stupid way, too. I answered the front door and side of my foot was underneath the edge of the door so when I went to walk away my toe got caught and bent back. I actually heard a “crack!” At first I thought it was just the knuckle popping but a few minutes later the discoloration and swelling (and pain!) started. I called my doctor and they said there wasn’t anything they could do and just to tape it to the toe next to it. So I taped it and dug out my bottle of mega-dose ibuprofen from when I had Mimi.

I know that in the grand scheme of things my problems aren’t bad at all (i.e. “white people problems”) but I can’t help but feel a little beat all the same.

I hope things go better today.

Super 8

Things have been hectic but fun around here lately. On Saturday N and I saw Super 8. I thought it was really good. The plot is familiar but the kids in it do a great job and the action is nicely paced. I was baffled when the credits started rolling and the guy sitting in front of us turned to his wife and gave it a dramatic thumbs down. Really? I have no idea what he was expecting. It’s one of the best summer movies I’ve seen in a while.

While it’s fun it’s definitely not for little kids because of the intense action. Maybe 13+? Anyway, if you go be sure to stay in your seat for the credits!

My First Quilt: Update 1

This last weekend I was finally able to get started on my rainbow zigzag quilt. I’m using this tutorial from the very fun blog, A Quilt Is Nice.

Thanks to everyone who chimed in on the pattern question. After WAY too much deliberation I finally decided to go with the reflected rainbow pattern, with the purples in the middle. This is the final order of the fabrics:

I had never used a rotary cutter before so it took me a bit of practice to get the hang of it (I only wasted a small piece of one fabric) but after working through the kids’ Saturday afternoon nap I got all my squares cut out.

Then I paired up the squares, pinned them together, and used a fabric marker to draw a line across the diagonal.

Then I used the 1/4″ quilting setting on my sewing machine to sew two stitched lines each 1/4″ away from the line I drew earlier. I still have a few more squares to sew together and then it’s on to the next step.

I’m kind of surprised by how much I’m enjoying this project. I love these fabrics so much that just looking at them while I work is fun and while the work is repetitious enough to be relaxing each stage is over pretty quickly so I don’t get too bored. I’m sure that I’m making PLENTY of mistakes, but so far I’m having fun.

Wiggly Hot Dog Squids

Ever since I saw this way of cooking spaghetti and hot dogs on Steamy Kitchen I’ve been wanting to try it with E. So we made it for his dinner last night.

You poke uncooked spaghetti noodles through hot dog slices.

Then once you have them all assembled you boil them in water until the noodles are cooked…

…and voila–wriggly squid creatures!

The next time I do this I’m going to use wider chunks of hot dog and draw on little faces with ketchup. 🙂