And we are thrilled.
Everything looked healthy and it was great to see her wiggle around and stretch. I’m not sure how they measure it but she’s supposedly 1 lb already and her arms, legs, spine, brain, heart, etc… all look great. It was fascinating to see the four chambers of her heart pump away; you could even see the valves opening and closing.
Beforehand I didn’t think that I had a feeling either way but I found myself still being surprised. We are really thrilled though–possibly even as much as my sister Jan. She has three boys (10, 8, and 9 months) and is so excited to have a little niece close by to dote on.
At the ultrasound they did notice that I have marginal placenta previa. The placenta’s lying low and partially covering my cervix so in 8 more weeks I need to have another ultrasound to look at it. My doctor said it might move up and out of way but if it doesn’t then I’ll need to have a c-section for sure. E was a c-section and his went really well so I’m okay with whatever needs to happen happening.
But names, man I’m stumped on names. We had two that we really like if she was a boy but the field for girl names is so wide open. I have a few that I like but I’m quite relieved that we still have four more months to decide.
So how about it, any name suggestions?
i had placenta previa early on, and it was causing bleeding so i had to be on modified bedrest…but it did move up later on, i think it usually does….and congrats!
Oh I do so love to buy baby girl clothes! Also I love the name Tessa.
Congratulations! I like Jada or Chloe.
Congratulations. A boy and a girl. Perfect. I wish I could help you on girls name, but I barely managed to name my two.
Congratulations!!!!!!! I have a few but I'll never tell
When E called last night, Eleanor ran over saying, "I want to see the baby!" Apparently, she thought you had more than just an ultrasound. There was some disappointment on our end.
Can't wait to meet the little cutie. And can't wait to shop for her, too!
Wonderful! So glad all is going well with her and hope everything turns out alright with with the placenta previa. If we had had a girl, she would probably have been named Jane after my mom (though Kev was dragging his feet on that one). I love E's name and I'm sure you'll come up with something perfect.
Wow! Congrats Faith! I'm sure you'll find the perfect name. Names I've liked lately are: Roslyn (this will be my next kid if a girl) and Ruby (maybe a middle name). R's for some reason… Someone else said Tessa, I like that name too.
Congrats! So happy for you. I love the names Audrey, Amelia, and Ava. I guess I have a thing for A names. My husband wouldn't let me use those, so there all yours:)
Thank you for all the kind wishes and name suggestions! I've already changed my mind about names a few times and I'm sure there's more waffling over names in my future.
Thank goodness we still have 4 more months.