My nephew J turned seven last week and so E and I went to his birthday party.
The birthday boy and his cake.
The gift-opening frenzy.
The birthday boy’s brother, A. (I have no idea where he learned to make that face, but the little ham did it every time I snapped a picture of him.)
The party was held at one of those inflatable toy places. After a little while E got pretty freaked out by all the kids shrieking and running around and by the huge bouncy castles and slides. And surprisingly, me taking him down the down the big 25-foot tall slide did nothing to improve the situation. (Yeah, I know. But I thought E might like it; after all, he loves the slide on our swing set…yep, I think this little escapade just sealed my nomination for Mother of the Year.)
“The horror, the horror (of the bouncy slide)!”
But E quickly cheered up when we went into the party room to have cake and open presents. Mostly because I got him a balloon to carry around. E LOVES balloons.
Relaxing in the birthday boy’s special chair while the other kids ate pizza.
The balloons contined to be a big hit once we were home and also throughout dinner.
I love, LOVE the picture of E. clutching his blue balloon. You can tell he is just focusing on that balloon in order to endure the horror that is inflatable toy birthday parties. Don’t worry – he will love them one day! 🙂
I can’t believe how big A and J are! Did J like the antfarm?
Ah, balloons–the simplest things make them so happy!