My weight-losing endeavors have unfortunately lost a little bit of steam lately. I would like to blame a busy summer, but I think a growing complacency in my efforts is a much more likely culprit. However, I have almost succeeded in losing all of the weight I gained while pregnant – yay!

I weighed in yesterday and I was just three pounds shy of my pre-pregnancy weight (so obviously I’m counting it). Nine months up, nine months down: whoo–hoo! I was so excited that we went out for ice cream to celebrate. (Just kidding!)
Anyway, this week I am rededicating myself to losing weight. Even though I’m (almost) down to my pre-pregnancy weight, I was overweight when I got pregnant and so I am planning on losing 20 lbs. more. We shall see.
And if all this weight loss talk is not exactly your cup of tea…well, there are these: