
Sundance last night was a lot of fun. I’ve been running around all morning so I’ll post about the films we saw next week. We’re staying home tonight (which I am inordinately excited about since we got in late last night and I’m tired) but then we’re catching our last two shows tomorrow up in Ogden which should be fun.

Anyway, I’m super allergic to cats but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy them on the internets along with the rest of the world. Here’s a little something to kick off your weekend.

Have a great weekend!


My friend Amber came over for dinner last night. She made okonomiyaki and I made ddukboki. It was SO good.

After dinner she showed us this German cartoon that a friend had shared with her. E thought it was great and after a few seconds was clapping along to the beat.

Later today I’m taking E to his annual checkup with his allergist. I don’t know how likely it is, but I’m really hoping that he’s outgrown some of his food allergies. *Crosses fingers*

Have a great weekend!

Local News

I was riveted to my computer yesterday watching local Colorado news during the whole-runaway-balloon episode. I’m so happy it turned out the boy was safe. I watched when the balloon landed and I was so sad at the thought that he had fallen out somewhere along the flight.

I really hope that the whole thing it wasn’t a publicity stunt like some are suggesting. Because that would be SO incredibly lame and make me even more cynical than I already am.

I usually don’t watch local news except sometimes for the it’s-so-bad-it’s-good entertainment factor of which this clip is a stellar example.