Words With Friends

Anyone else playing Words With Friends (i.e. Scrabble) on their phones? I know I’m a bit late to the party but I’ve really gotten into it lately even though I’m not especially good at it. (That’s not false modesty–back in the day when N and I were young marrieds and we would play board games with his family I would literally break out in a sweat when it was my turn. But in my defense, YOU try playing board games with N and his brother.)

Anyway, while I get nervous playing these sorts of games in person I’m having fun playing on my phone. So far I’ve successfully cajoled N and my sister-in-law Mindy into playing with me but two games are not enough to feed my addiction! (BTW, it’s your turn, Minders.)

While I’d like more people to play with I don’t want to play with total strangers. So I thought I’d see if any of you want to play because we’re all friends here and tight like that. There are free apps for both Android and iPhone so if you’re interested download it (enabled push notifications to get notified when a move is made) and look me up: my login is TheNearestFuture.

Let the games begin!

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