Spice Cabinet: Update 7 (or “Woo-hoo! It’s finished!”)

Yesterday was the last day of woodworking class…and I finished my spice cabinet! I got the hinges, cabinet back, and knob put on and the cabinet’s ready to hang on the wall.

Me (and my 31-week belly) with the finished cabinet.

I need to have a small drywall job done before I can hang the cabinet in our kitchen so right now it’s sitting on our kitchen table where I lovingly look at it whenever I walk by.

I’m planning on putting together a slide show of the start-t0-finish process of building the cabinet and will post it when it’s finished.

(Previous spice cabinet updates here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.)

4 thoughts on “Spice Cabinet: Update 7 (or “Woo-hoo! It’s finished!”)”

  1. That spice cabinet looks awesome. You've got skillz, Faith. SKILLZ.

    And your baby bump! Can't wait for her to arrive!!! Will she call E oppa? That would be so cute.

  2. Thanks guys! I can't wait to get the cabinet hung up in the kitchen. And you're all so sweet.

    I feel pretty huge already–it's hard to believe I still have 7 or so more weeks left. Yikes!

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