A Small Announcement

So…I’m pregnant! After the early miscarriage I had at Christmas I’ve been fairly nervous about this pregnancy. But I had an ultrasound at 10 weeks and the fetus looked okay, like an tiny dancing gummy bear. And now I’m at 14 weeks and finally starting to relax a bit. I know plenty of things can still go wrong but it’s less likely now and frankly I’m tired of guarding my feelings and bracing myself for disappointment. It’s been exhausting in a way.

So I’m finally letting down my guard and just going with the joyful assumption that come February we’ll have a new baby in our family.

We are SO excited.

10 thoughts on “A Small Announcement”

  1. Congratulations again. You guys make cute babies and I can't wait to see this new little one. Love your picture of the bun in the oven too.

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