Down and Out

Last night was somewhat eventful around here in a minor injury/illness way. E woke up from his nap feeling feverish and out of sorts. He didn’t want dinner but we offered him a banana which he took a few bites of and a little juice.

I was standing in the kitchen chatting with N while he did the dishes when I heard a suspicious-sounding cough from the family room where E was watching Wonder Pets. I peeked down the stairs just in time to see him lean against the couch and puke all over it. I ran down the stairs to help him but kind of forgot about that pesky bottom step and launched myself gracefully into the air where I landed flat on my face and on my left shoulder and elbow.

N ran downstairs too (notably more successfully than I did) and helped E while I rolled around on the floor groaning melodramatically for a minute. After I collected myself we gave E a bath and washed the couch’s cushion covers.

E went to bed okay but was up from about 3 to 4:30 in the morning. He was super thirsty and wanted something to drink but it didn’t stay down. So I gave up trying to keep him in his room and plopped him down in front of the tv so I could clean up the puke on his floor with him out of the way. Fortunately after everything was cleaned up he went right back to bed.

So that’s where we are this morning. My shoulder is pretty jacked up–I can’t really lift my arm above my head–and I’m sporting an awesome scraped elbow which hurts more than I remember them hurting when I was eleven.

E obviously can’t go to preschool this morning which means that I can’t go into the office like I was planning. So today we’ll be rocking it at home in our pajamas and I’ll try and get some work done when he naps *crosses fingers*.

6 thoughts on “Down and Out”

  1. EEK!! 🙁 Goodness… I hope E recovers quickly and, aaah!, your injuries sound so painful, I hope they heal up!

  2. Today at swimming class I heard one of the moms from Dylan's class say her daughter was throwing up last night. But that didn't stop her from bringing the girl to swim lessons. I would have been more annoyed by that but my kids were sick a few weeks ago so I am assuming it's the same stomach bug and we're immune this time. It's everywhere! If E has the same thing it is very reliably 24 hours and then he'll be back to normal. As for your arm, I hope you heal quickly!

  3. Ouch! I hope everyone at your house feels better soon. That's not a great way to the beginning of a week.

  4. Sad, sad story. Faith! Hope everything is much better today. Nothing worse than cleaning puke out of couch nooks and crannies.

    I tripped pretty spectacularly last week while running (drivers were stopping to ask if I was okay… I felt like a total dork.) I scraped up my knees pretty badly. It was an educational experience! I always take the tough-love approach when my kids get scraped, but it turns out it really, really hurts! Who knew?

    So you have all my sympathy. Put some neosporin on it and tell N your arm hurts too much to make dinner. That's what I did! 🙂

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