
Not much is going on here. E has come down with his second stomach bug in as many weeks. He threw up again last Saturday and since then has been running a fever which means I’ve been stuck in sick-baby jail on and off for almost two weeks now. I’m starting to get a bit stir crazy and my patience, while never that of a saint, is wearing thin. On Sunday I lost my temper at E’s constant whining and yelled at him to “stop whining!” (Mother-of-the-year!) Predictably enough, yelling did not work to make either E or myself feel better. I felt horrible about losing my temper with poor sick pitiful E.

But when E’s sitting on my lap and resting his feverish little head against my cheek all I think about is how much I love him and how grateful I am to be blessed with the resources and ability to take care of him and protect him from harm.

2 thoughts on “Bleh”

  1. Same boat, slightly further along on the ride. Austin was throwing up and sick over the weekend, so when school started today & he said his stomach still hurt, I didn't send him.

    Turns out, he was gunning for a sick day when he wasn't sick. He was up and bouncing around and trying to play video games within 3 hours. We've been going back and forth at each other all day with chores and me assigning home-school work.

    I love him to pieces, but somehow I thought it would get easier when we could actually communicate with words. Grrrr.

  2. "Sick-baby-jail" is so so true. Poor little E. And especially poor Faith! Hopefully you can enjoy the cuddles, endure the whining, and everything will be back to normal soon.

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