Paperless Post

I’m a big stationary nerd. I could spend hours pouring over paper samples and dithering over fonts. And even though we’re basically homebodies and don’t entertain that often I spent entirely too much time yesterday puttering around on designing invitations for various fake events.

Paperless Post basically offers classy evites that mimic the look and feel of receiving a nice piece of stationary in the mail. The designs are pretty charming and well-photographed: you can even seen the grain of the paper.

I heard about the site from this article in yesterday’s NY Times. Paperless post is still in beta but you can sign up and get 25 free stamps. (Instead of using advertising, users buy stamps to send invitations starting at $5 for 60 stamps.)

If you’re hosting a 4th of July barbecue or some other event this summer it might be fun to try it out.

3 thoughts on “Paperless Post”

  1. I'd be a paper nerd if I were ever had excuse to use paper. This image is lovely and makes me want to be able to hold the invite in my hand. Thanks for sharing!

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