Let’s not do anything rash

E.’s been having a little bit of a tough time this week, but I’m not sure why. He’s been very tired, but will only take short naps. And last night he woke up crying at 3am, which is very unusual. After I got him back to sleep, he work up again at 6am and would NOT be consoled. The only thing that worked was swaddling him and letting him sleep in his swing. So I did that and slept on the couch next to him.

And the rash! Ever since his allergic reaction to the antibiotics, he’s had a rash on his face that won’t go away. The nurse said that it was because of his frequent drooling and to put some hydrocortisone cream on his chin, which I’ve been doing but it hasn’t helped that much. To top it off, E. has started rubbing his eyes with gusto whenever he’s tired, which is quite often. It’s painful to watch because he basically claws at his eyes, pumping his hands open and closed. I swaddle him when I put him to bed so he can’t scratch at his eyes.

Even though he’s not feeling well, he still tries hard to be cheerful. It’s cute in a pitiful sort of way.

Does anyone have any tips about how to end the rash or the eye rubbing?

6 thoughts on “Let’s not do anything rash”

  1. I wish I could help you but honestly I have no good advice. BUT, that baby boy is one of the cutest I have ever seen and I’m crossing my fingers and sending “go away rash” vibes your way!

  2. Poor baby! Eleanor just looked at the picture and asked, “Is his face messy?” I explained it was an owie and she was all sympathy. I remember Eve used to rub viciously at her eyes when she was tired. The best thing to do was to swaddle her and also preempt that level of tiredness by getting her to bed before she reached the eye-clawing stage. Hard to guage, though, I know. I hope the little one is feeling better soon.

  3. Unfortunately, my son was the same way as an infant. Are you breastfeeding E? I suspect food allergies, though I hope I’m wrong.

  4. Liam rubs his eyes too when he gets tired. The only thing I can really do is keep his fingernails clipped.

    If the rash spreads down to his torso, it might be fifth disease which won’t get better with hydro cortisone. The only thing you can do is give him baby Tylenol if that’s the case. Hope it’s not that!

  5. Sandra, I am breastfeeding. Did it turn out to be food allergies with your son? What’s he allergic to? The rash has cleared up a little today, and so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. If it doesn’t clear up significantly this week, I’ll probably take him in to the doctor.

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