I took E. to the doctor again yesterday (5 visits in 2 weeks, a new personal best! Hopefully this record will stand for a long time.) Anyway, it turns out that the poor little guy has RSV. He has a cough and is a little wheezy, but the oxygen levels in his blood tested okay, so for right now it’s not super serious. I’m still kind of freaked out though because I know his condition can turn pretty quickly. So I’m watching him like a hawk to see if his breathing becomes more labored. The next week or so might be a little rough.
Oh yeah, and he has a double ear infection that he started antibiotics for. And he hates taking the antibiotic and squirms around and gets it everywhere.
Sigh. The good times just keep on coming.
AN EAR INFECTION????? I swear, by the time Dylan and Caitlin saw E. they had both finished their antibiotics and were not contagious. I am so sorry!