Dear E,
If you’re actually reading through these in order you’ve probably noticed that the twenty month letter is missing. I tried to find time to sit down and write it but July was a crazy month for us this year and it slipped by before I knew what was going on. I’m going to try my best not to let it happen again but we’ll just have to see. In other words, no promises!
Before I started this letter I was rereading was I wrote for month nineteen and I am amazed at how much you’ve grown in just two months. You outgrew the clingy, whiny phase you were going through back then. You’re much more self-assured now. I think it comes from being more confident that you can communicate your needs to us now. Whereas before it was “no, no, no!” all the time you will now emphatically exclaim “yeah!” when we ask you if want something and you do.
You love to talk. A lot of the time you keep up a steady stream of chatter but most of it is pretty unintelligible. Whenever your dad or I leave the room you’re in you quizzically call out “Mama?” or “Daddy?” but when we tell you that we’re coming right back you relax, assured.
In July we went on a trip to visit family and I was a little worried about how you would do. But you were a champ and rolled with the punches and had a lot of fun running around with your cousins. You went to all sorts of places: the zoo, the beach, several parks, a raspberry farm, a wild game farm, a ferry, several Korean restaurants, etc… and you handled it well. And except for when you came down with a cold, you slept well the entire time. It made the trip a lot easier on your parents than it could have been.
One of the things that stands out about the last few months is that you’ve become pretty decent company. If you’re well-rested and fed you’re a lot of fun to be around. You like to crack jokes and make us laugh. You’re so eager to smile and enjoy yourself that you inevitably bring smiles to everyone around you.