Jewelry Boxes: Update 6

I know I haven’t posted about woodworking for a while. To tell you the truth, I haven’t had much to post about. Two weeks ago class was canceled because of the college’s spring break and then last week’s class just kind of frustrating. I didn’t accomplish as much as I needed to in order to finish on time and I’ve been a little bummed about it since class.

The main thing that I accomplished last week is that I got the tray and lid supports cut down to size and glued in. And I was also this close to finishing assembling the trays (but didn’t take any pictures of that part since, you know, it didn’t end up happening.)

I cut strips of walnut down to 1/4″ thickness and then sanded them to 1/8″ thick.

Then I cut the strips to the width of these grooves in the boxes.
(Not pictured: the strip I ruined because I brought the saw down on it before it (the saw) was spinning at full speed and it (the wood strip) got ripped out of my hand–safety first!)

And then I glued the strips in place.

I’m hoping that I’ll be able to finish assembling the boxes in the two classes I have left, but applying the finish at the shop is pretty much out of the picture now. I guess it won’t be too bad: the boxes are small enough that I can oil and lacquer them at home without too much hassle.

I need to stop moping about running out of time but it’s frustrating. If I had just one more class period I would be set! (Le sigh.) Oh well, I’ll buckle down and do my best to finish as much as I can.

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