With a Little Help from My Friends

Do you remember how much I loved this band jacket Stella McCartney did for Gap Kids? Well, my super seamstress sister-in-law Miranda did. She made E his very own marching band jacket for Christmas! And she didn’t just make one, she also made a jacket for her son L (I know, I know–her sewing skills are insane).

Aren’t these cousins cute together? L is two months older than E to the day and they love playing together. L’s coming over for a few hours today and I’m sure the two of them will have a great time tearing apart my house. E loves L so much that whenever it’s time to say goodbye E cries and cries.

But at least now he can look stylish while he cries.

7 thoughts on “With a Little Help from My Friends”

  1. I'm so glad they are good buddies! Just what cousins should be. I remember Eve and Dylan were just the same way. Oh, and still are.

    The jackets are truly amazing. Miranda, what can't you sew?!

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